What Hillary Wants
By Eugene RobinsonCommentators trying to discern Hillary Clinton’s endgame strategy have posited any number of wheels-within-wheels scenarios worthy of a spy novel. The simple truth has nothing to do with logic and everything to do with instinct: Keep moving forward until you drop.
It’s not that she’s making a calculated play for the vice presidency or trying to set herself up for another campaign in 2012 or 2016. To those who know her, it’s that she really wants to be president, and that she has come tantalizingly close, and that she’s going to keep moving toward that goal even if there’s no obvious way to reach it…
But the Clinton campaign has found a way to claim that if for some reason you did this ridiculous exercise of lumping together apples, oranges and bowling balls, and finally came up with two numbers, hers would be greater than Obama’s. Since Obama now leads substantially in both pledged delegates and superdelegates – and since he has enormous leads in fundraising and the number of states won – the spurious "popular vote" metric is all that Clinton has. So she’s playing the hand she was dealt…
Even this tenuous advantage, however, requires counting all the votes cast for Clinton in Michigan, where Obama wasn’t on the ballot, and in Florida, where neither candidate campaigned…
Hillary Clinton is after the White House, and if that means using the Florida and Michigan "issue" to tie the party in knots until the convention, so be it. If that’s not what party leaders want, they’d better do something. Because Clinton is going to keep moving forward.
Will she continue until she tanks the Democratic Party’s chances to win the Presidency? She doesn’t seem to be thinking about that. Can the Democratic leadership stop her? Not so far. Will placating her in some way tone down her rhetoric? Frankly, I doubt it. If the DNC keeps handling her with kid gloves, she won’t stop. If they confront her, get tough, she’ll take her votes and run, or they’ll vote for McCain. If they offer her the Vice Presidency, even if she took it she might just keep running against Obama even from that office. What Robinson is implying is that there’s really no way out – except to give her the nomination. Will they do that? I doubt it. Not now.
This family is beyond definition in terms of how corrupt its three principal members are. As for Hillary, a psychoanalysis dream of a Phallic Narcissistic Idiot!
Too dangerous of a pathological mind to occupy the Oval Office!
In reference to Felix Larocca’s comment – He really has no room to talk, being an unethical, corrupt, narcissistic idiot himself.