
Archive for May, 2008

the great race…

adapted from CNN adapted from the New York Times I’ve had an odd feeling all day. I’ve been kind of busy and pollen poisoned, but I’ve wandered by t.v. sets all day catching glimpses of the constant coverage. It’s on errand days like today that I see Fox News which is the standard public fare […]

get it on the books…

Plame seeks to resurrect lawsuit against Bush administration in CIA leak case Former CIA operative Valerie Plame is trying to resurrect a lawsuit against those in the Bush administration she says illegally disclosed her identity. A federal judge dismissed Plame’s lawsuit last year, saying there was no basis to bring a case. Plame’s lawyers asked […]

losing is hard…

The Card Clinton Is Playing By Eugene Robinson From the beginning, Hillary Clinton has campaigned as if the Democratic nomination were hers by divine right. That’s why she is falling short — and that’s why she should be persuaded to quit now, rather than later, before her majestic sense of entitlement splits the party along […]

useful idiots…

U.S. evangelicals call for step back from politics A group of U.S. evangelical leaders called on Wednesday for a pullback from party politics so that followers would not become "useful idiots" exploited for partisan gain. One in four U.S. adults count themselves as evangelical Protestants, giving them serious clout in a country where religion and […]

what to do now…

Rumsfeld blames the generals for poor pre-war planning In February 2003, Gen. Eric Shinseki famously predicted that “several hundred thousand” troops would be needed for post-war hostilities in Iraq. According to documents recently released by the Pentagon in response to The New York Times’s expose on its propaganda program, however, Donald Rumsfeld claimed in a […]

the Wreckers…

Anxiety is not only a symptom of mental discomfort. In fact, it’s a normal emotion that signals danger. Sometimes it’s a danger you can see or imagine in the near term, then it’s called fear. Other times, it’s a vague discomfort, a feeling of danger being around the corner, but it not being clear what […]

Chaitén Volcano…

( life )

  Chaiten Volcano Erupts After more than 9,000 years of silence, Chaitén Volcano in southern Chile erupted on May 2, 2008. The plume of ash and steam rose 10.7 to 16.8 kilometers (35,000 to 55,000 feet) into the atmosphere, reported the Smithsonian’s Global Volcanism Program. According to news reports issued by the AFP news service, […]

dirty tricks, version 2008…

Did Rush Limbaugh Tilt Result In Indiana? Conservative Host Urged ‘Chaos’ Votes The impact of Limbaugh’s "Operation Chaos" emerged as an intriguing point of debate, particularly in Indiana, where registered voters could participate in either party’s primary, and where Clinton won by a mere 14,000 votes. As he had before several recent primaries, Limbaugh encouraged […]

more Novak…

Tests Ahead for Obama Robert D. Novak May 8, 2008 Buyer’s remorse was beginning to afflict supporters of Barack Obama before Tuesday’s primary election returns showed he had delivered a knockout punch against Hillary Clinton. The young orator who had seemed so fantastic, beginning with his 2007 Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech in Iowa, disappointed even his […]

idée fixe…

Bolton on whether Bush might bomb Iran before he leaves office: ‘I think so, definitely.’ In a Fox News interview this afternoon, former UN Ambassador John Bolton discussed his desire to bomb camps inside Iran that are reportedly training and arming Shiite insurgents who fight in Iraq. Fox host Martha McCallum asked, “Can you imagine […]