For a lot of us, something died in 1968 that we never got back. In March of that year, Martin Luther King was gunned down in Memphis Tennessee. And forty years ago today, Robert Kennedy was fatally shot in California after winning the Democratic Primary. It’s hard to say exactly what died that year. All […]
This came in an e-mail from Air America. I’d heard about it from a friend, so I was eager to read it. I think it’s a pretty slick idea – because what I’m really interested in knowing is the truth. I reprint it here for those who haven’t read it: What Should Happen? A Truth […]
Crocker: No permanent bases will be set up in Iraq The U.S. ambassador to Iraq says the Bush administration is not trying to set up permanent military bases in Iraq. Ambassador Ryan Crocker rejects the notion that the legal and military agreements he wants this year are blueprints for an everlasting American military presence inside […]
New Report on Use of Intelligence To Keep Iraq Issue at the Fore The Senate Intelligence committee will release Thursday the last in a series of reports on the Bush administration’s use of intelligence ahead of the Iraq invasion, a move likely to keep the Iraq war front and center on the campaign trail. The […]
Adam Lynch is one fine journalist… by Larisa Alexandrovna [of Raw Story] points us to an article in the Jackson Mississippi Free Press called Secrets and Lies, by Adam Lynch. Lynch’s article is very long, and impossible to summarize. It’s about Karl Rove’s involvement in the U.S. Attorney firing scandal and the prosecution of Democratic […]
Dear xxxx, I wanted you to be one of the first to know: on Saturday, I will hold an event in Washington D.C. to thank everyone who has supported my campaign. Over the course of the last 16 months, I have been privileged and touched to witness the incredible dedication and sacrifice of so many […]
Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control A secret deal being negotiated in Baghdad would perpetuate the American military occupation of Iraq indefinitely, regardless of the outcome of the US presidential election in November. The terms of the impending deal, details of which have been leaked to The Independent, are likely to have […]
emptywheel has an encyclopedia for a mind. Her post today about Waxman’s recent request for unredacted testimony from the Fitzgerald Grand Jury testimony suggests that Rice and Bush talked about the Plame leaks before they happened – that he [and Cheney] were directly involved. emptywheel recalls this set of notes from July 10, 2008 – […]
ex·cuse (Äk-skyÅÅz’) tr.v. ex·cused, ex·cus·ing, ex·cus·es To explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood: He arrived late and excused his tardiness in a flimsy manner. To apologize for (oneself) for an act that could cause offense: She excused herself for being late. To grant pardon to; forgive: We […]