The success of this program lead to a radical revision in mental health care in U.S. civilian life. People "in crisis" don’t think well, and make decisions that can lead to lifelong disasters and fears. So, if you see someone in emotional crisis, pull out all stops. Take them to a neutral place, medicate them if needed, talk and talk about the contemporary problem only, then put them back on the road of life. In the right cases, it works.
What one learns is that this is a great technique for normal [or near normal] people in abnormal circumstances. There are plenty of other people for whom such a technique is a disaster, near malpractice. There are, for example, plenty of people who live crisis lives, and actually create crises to "get help." All crisis intervention teaches them is to look for crisis interveners. There are also a lot of situations where an emotional crisis points to a much deeper problem that needs intensive investigation. A classic example is a domestic disturbance that can be calmed down with crisis intervention methods, but overlooks the fact that there’s an abusive sadist and a battered woman or child left to go at it again and again. So, as useful as crisis intervention is as a technique, it’s best used by people who have the intuition to know when to do something else when needed.
George Bush and Associates are using Crisis Intervention techniques exclusively for all problems. Katrina? Send in Brownie. Stock Market dips, gas prices up? Send us all a check. Fannie May and Freddy Mac in trouble? Buy them. The same with A.I.G. These are symptoms of deep, longstanding problems. These crises are like the night when the battered woman finally calls the cops. You don’t calm things down and move on. If you do, the next call might be for an ambulance to pick up a dead woman and her children.
It’s funny how often I come to see if there is a new post and it’s relevant.
I have a great uncle in Texas that is a religious man. He’s also a proud patriot. I often get requests to pray for soldier’s missions in Iraq or reason’s why the war is just, etc. I can usually guess the content of them before I read them and delete them. Even so, I have never asked for these opinions to be sent to me and I tolerate them.
I got the e-mail today (that you probably got to) with the video of Obama talking about his economic plan. I felt like it was straight forward and honest and didn’t bash anyone. He asked folks to take the time to read his plan. I really appreciated his candor and so I shared it with this Great Uncle. As you can imagine he told me not to be fooled by the promises of a politician, and indicated that he was not exactly thrilled that I sent him the video. Well, that seems about par for the course, I guess. At least I tried.
Then I came here and was reminded that I get paid some tomorrow and need to send another check to the Obama campaign. He must win for many reasons. I don’t know how we can make it another 4 years of the Bush Doctrine.
I am waiting for my Obama poster and button and so is my older son. I will display the poster in my front window despite my husband protesting and telling me that he doesn’t want people knowing our personal business. I will wear my Obama pin like people wear their flag pin. Obama is the only hope we have right now.