lighten up…

Posted on Saturday 4 October 2008

So, let’s lighten it up a bit on Marble Festival Day.. Enough of this Mortgage Crisis talk. As advertised, the Shriners were out in force with their funny cars, as were a gajillion princesses, tow trucks, fire engines, and a particularly loud contingency of motorcycles. This year, there were two Christian Puppet floats. The High School Band played repeated choruses of Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.

It’s election time here in Pickens County too. Here’s our Sole Commissioner, a really good guy, running for his second term [I told you about the borrowed convertibles, usually red].

One group of Christian Puppets:

And this one needs explaining:

New Official Georgia FlagOur Democratic Governor got beat in 2002. He had changed our State Flag, and that’s probably what got us a Republican Governor. I’ve never seen our new flag except on government buildings and in downtown Atlanta parades. Everyone else still flies the old flag with the Confederate Battle Flag embedded in it. They sell them on the sides of the road. As offensive as it is, I don’t even think it’s a racist thing anymore – more regional pride. But whatever it means, old loyalties die hard here in rural Georgia, even in this always Republican County that sent a sizeable fraction of its sons to fight for the Union in the Civil War, and flew a Union Jack over the Courthouse in defiance of the Confederate Succession for a time.

It didn’t look to me like many of these people were thinking about the Great Depression…

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