proxy watching…

Posted on Tuesday 7 October 2008

Listening from the back room where I can vaguely hear the debates, I have FDL and ThinkProgress open on my desktop. I’ve tried the live feed from CNN, but McCain’s carriage and demeanor just put me off too much. From ThinkProgress:
"9:32: In addition to reducing many vital services, John McCain’s proposed spending freeze – a cut in inflation-adjusted terms – would serve as an anti-stimulus to the economy at a time of recession." This is McCain-Think at its worst. Liquidity is the current problem, It’s ice already. It can hardly be frozen more.
I remember listening to Bush/Kerry from the other room like I’m doing right now. Kerry’s high-pitched, strained voice told me it was over. I hated that voice. Obama’s music is better. ThinkProgress:
"9:33: Obama just mentioned the need for “volunteer corps all across this country.” McCain has no national service plan."
9:38: My spouse says, "Obama answers questions. McCain spends his time saying what Obama has done wrong, and barely mentions what he’d do.
Says FDL [echoing spouse]:
"9:41:  McCain is saying nothing about what he’s going to do..oh wait have a commission."
9:50: Bravely, I went in and watched. Obama is comfortable, and a great think-on-his-feet guy. I don’t know why I can’t watch from the start, but I think it’s related to four years ago – watching it melt before me. McCain’s contempt is still in there like last time, but muted in tone. I think the main reason it doesn’t work is that he’s saying Obama is a naive fool, and Obama is right there on the stage being anything but what McCain is says he is. I feel proud when I listen to Obama speak…
From FDL:
9:53:  Why McCain is supposed to "shine" in a forum that makes him stalk around like Quasimodo escapes me.  (Thers)

9:53  The nervousness I saw from Obama in the first debate is totally gone. He seems like a man who knows he’s winning. (Blue Texan)
10:00: Comment from the other room, "He’s a nasty little man!"

10:02: McCain’s voice is getting higher pitched! It’s the Kerry sign [of doom]…

10:07: McCain’s voice is in the high register consistently now. I’m stopping blogging and going in to watch. It’s over. We win. The Kerry sign seals the deal

10:23: I’m back. The difference between listening from another room and watching live is McCain pacing in the background smirking. He’s not a patient man.

10:27: McCain is back on Obama being willing to talk to the Iranians, like in the last debate. Scowling as if he smells something bad. Obama gives complex answers when McCain simplifies things. It works for me. I wonder if that’s a general truth, or if people go for McCain’s simple sound-bytes…

I found John McCain’s refusal to shake hands with Obama after the debate infuriating, absolutely infuriating…
    October 7, 2008 | 10:26 PM

    His refusal to shake hands was just insulting to all that spent an hour and a half actually listening to his whiney “my friends.” He was rude. I don’t like when people are rude, because it’s NEVER appropriate. Again, I think Obama showed his finesse and his ability to discuss tough issues and remain respectful to his opponent. THAT is what we need.

    October 7, 2008 | 10:30 PM

    And by the way Sharon’s comments are awesome! I agree totally. He is a nasty little man.

    October 7, 2008 | 11:01 PM

    […] one," or rhis efusing to shake hands – the whole contempt thing – just makes my blood boil. Smoochie says, "He was rude. I don’t like when people are rude, because it’s NEVER […]

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