time machine?…

Posted on Tuesday 7 October 2008

Who can know what such things mean at this point? I’m apprehensive about tonight’s debate. I don’t think it’s about Obama not being up to the task of dealing with McCain’s escalating nastiness. Nor am I worried about McCain’s McCarthy-like attacks about Ayers. What worries me, I think, is that Obama is between a rock and a hard place. He almost has to enter the world of the mudslingers, and I’m worried that doing so will impair his ability to pull us together after the election. He handled that with the Clintons and came through relatively unscathed, so maybe my worry is just that – worry. But if I had a Time Machine, I’d set it for November 5th, 2008, and willingly push the button. Having no Time Machine button to push, I went to the County Offices today and voted. I needed to push a button, I guess…
    October 7, 2008 | 5:30 PM

    What I would really like to see is when McCain slings some nonsense for Obama to call him out on it and just say, “Why are you hiding behind your percieved ideas about me instead of standing on your own record, John? Why must you attack my character instead of defending your own? Why don’t you tell the American people your plan, because they- like me- have yet to hear anything other than how you will reduce health care and continue with the war indefintely?”

    I don’t think that will happen, but I’d like it to. And I agree. If you find that Nov. 5th button let me know. I’d like to be done with this already.

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