el Nina…

Posted on Wednesday 8 October 2008

I don’t want to pile on about McCain’s plane crashing. I’m superstitious, and afraid of jinxing the deal. But I just can’t leave out the look of disgust on Fortune Magazine‘s arch-Free-Market-Republican Nina Easton’s face when she’s talking about McCain’s $300 Billion Mortgage buy-out plan from the early minutes of the debate. Kristol’s, Barnes’, and Hume’s attempts to shut her up? Anticipated. Her look? Priceless!.

    October 9, 2008 | 8:14 AM

    I like when the guy starts making apologies for McCain about “He didn’t explain it very well.” He says it at least 3 times! I suspect he had to chew on it a bit to really swallow that his candidate fairly clearly said that by buying up these portions of mortgages he is going to make the government BIGGER! Not only spending the $300B to buy the pieces of mortgage, but also creating an infrastructure to over see the purchase monitor the whole thing. Sounds pricey!!

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