no false reassurances, please…

Posted on Saturday 11 October 2008

Talk About the Meltdown
by Eugene Robinson

… I’m worried that this economic crisis may be more than just an episode. I’m worried that what’s at stake is not just a few years of lost economic growth but our traditional notion of the American dream.

Sen. Obama? Sen. McCain? Reassure me. Don’t give me empty words about American exceptionalism. Tell me in plain language what our new place is in the world and how we’re going to give our children the good life that we’ve enjoyed.
I love Eugene Robinson. He’s my first morning read. But in this case, he’s looking for love in all the wrong places. He wants Barack Obama or John McCain to tell him "how we’re going to give our children the good life that we’ve enjoyed."

In the first place, neither of them knows the answer to where things are going. If anything, they are "impaired pundits" because their bias is obvious – they want to be elected. And, to be honest, nobody knows where this will bottom out. Robinson says, "I’m worried that what’s at stake is not just a few years of lost economic growth but our traditional notion of the American dream." He’s worried about that because that is what was at stake. We’re beyond that already in a short few weeks. Like the rest of us, Robinson is really saying that he didn’t participate in making the bet, but he and his children are going to pay the price for coming up with the losing number. We all are.

But they’re not going to be able tell him "how we’re going to give our children the good life that we’ve enjoyed" for a simple reason. We’re not going to be able "to give our children the good life that we’ve enjoyed." Only a fool would make such reassurances. Fortunately, that fool is about to leave office. This election is about which of these two men will be most likely to lead us given the current State of the Union – Barack Obama or John McCain? McCain is clearly a big part of the problem. He and Cindy need to go to their ranch and be rich together. Obama needs to go to the White House and surround himself with Secret Service Guards and Economists and figure out how to minimize our maximal losses
    October 11, 2008 | 10:35 AM

    “Obama needs to go to the White House and surround himself with Secret Service Guards and Economists and figure out how to minimize our maximal losses… ”
    Yes, and I like that you mention surround himself with Secret Service Guards, because I really feel that the McCain/Pailn ticket are inciting violence in those that will try and do him harm. When you have an audience member shouting out, “KILL HIM” at one of your rallys and do nothing then you are condoning those violent actions.
    And I agree, my kids and I won’t have “the golden years” to look forward to as much as my parents generation. Thanks, W.

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