
Archive for October, 2008

a little reality…



In 1997, the Neoconservatives at the American Enterprise Institute formed something called the Project for the New American Century. Their Statement of Principles: American foreign and defense policy is adrift. Conservatives have criticized the incoherent policies of the Clinton Administration. They have also resisted isolationist impulses from within their own ranks. But conservatives have not […]

How Why Matters…

Why How Matters I have a friend who regularly reminds me that if you jump off the top of an 80-story building, for 79 stories you can actually think you’re flying. It’s the sudden stop at the end that always gets you. When I think of the financial-services boom, bubble and bust that America has […]

something I think…

Barring real success with their "voter fraud program," the Republicans look to be losing this one – maybe losing it big. People like Chris Bowers are asking, "What if it’s a rout?" I’m afraid to get on that bus, I’m superstitious. But I do have some thoughts about how this is playing out. The Neoconservatives […]

blame, tricks, lies, blah, blah, blah…

McCain Tries To Blame Financial Crisis On Democratic Takeover Of Congress In 2007 In an interview with right-wing radio host Michael Medved this past Friday, McCain agreed with Medved’s assertion that “the economy was really progressing pretty well under most of President Bush’s term” before Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007: MEDVED: Let […]

the sickness…

I suppose you could call it cowardice. In World War I, a number of men who got shaky in battle and couldn’t/wouldn’t fight were executed by firing squads. Today, we would call it P.T.S.D. [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder]. Before the 2004 Election, I went on a three week "news restriction." Then I watched the Election […]

feels right…

The Return of Rove John McCain has surrendered his campaign to the same political fearmonger who smeared him out of the race in 2000. Wayne Slater has known Karl Rove for 20 years. As the author of Bush’s Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential, he’s not easily shocked by the Republican strategist’s […]


From: Buckley’s Son Leaves National Review Christopher Buckley, the author and son of the late conservative mainstay William F. Buckley, said in a telephone interview that he has resigned from the National Review, the political journal his father founded in 1955. Mr. Buckley said he had “been effectively fatwahed by the conservative movement” after endorsing […]

2050: Found in a time capsule…

a painful legacy…