Palin Responds To Troopergate Report, Dodges Issue Of Whether She Abused Power While Sarah Palin was boarding her campaign bus this morning, a reporter seeking comment on the new Troopergate report shouted out to her, “Governor, did you abuse your power?” She responded: If you read the report, you’ll see that there’s nothing unlawful or […]
Talk About the Meltdown by Eugene Robinson … I’m worried that this economic crisis may be more than just an episode. I’m worried that what’s at stake is not just a few years of lost economic growth but our traditional notion of the American dream. Sen. Obama? Sen. McCain? Reassure me. Don’t give me empty […]
Reversal of Fortune by Joseph E. Stiglitz Describing how ideology, special-interest pressure, populist politics, and sheer incompetence have left the U.S. economy on life support, the author puts forth a clear, commonsense plan to reverse the Bush-era follies and regain America’s economic sanity. When the American economy enters a downturn, you often hear the experts […]
Wild ride on the Stock Market beast and the damning Palin "Troopergate" Report. It’s been quite a day. I spent it on a lovely Fall drive in the Mountains with my sister – visiting from Louisiana. Sitting around watching several year’s salary disappear on the Stock Market is no way to spend such a beautiful […]
The Ideological Bubble No one yet knows the volume of the American real estate bubble or the volume of the Western financial bubble. They continue to remain partly hidden in the unfathomable slicing and dicing of securitization, which, by dint of securitizing the wind, harvest the whirlwind. On the other hand, the ideological bubble – […]
Doctors Without Borders Why you can’t trust medical journals anymore April 2004 With financial ties to nearly two dozen drug and biotech companies, Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff may hold some sort of record among academic clinicians for the most conflicts of interest. A psychiatrist, a prominent researcher, and chairman of the department of psychiatry and […]
I don’t want to pile on about McCain’s plane crashing. I’m superstitious, and afraid of jinxing the deal. But I just can’t leave out the look of disgust on Fortune Magazine‘s arch-Free-Market-Republican Nina Easton’s face when she’s talking about McCain’s $300 Billion Mortgage buy-out plan from the early minutes of the debate. Kristol’s, Barnes’, and […]
E-mails suggest Pfizer tried to suppress study on drug Suits say company misled on Neurontin Top drug company marketing executives suppressed a large European study suggesting their blockbuster medication Neurontin was ineffective for chronic nerve pain, and they privately strategized about how to silence a British researcher who wanted to go public with the data, […]
New U.S. intelligence report warns ‘victory’ not certain in Iraq A nearly completed high-level U.S. intelligence analysis warns that unresolved ethnic and sectarian tensions in Iraq could unleash a new wave of violence, potentially reversing the major security and political gains achieved over the last year. U.S. officials familiar with the new National Intelligence Estimate […]