Who Is John McCain? There was a revealing exchange about midway through the debate. When asked whether Americans other than our men and women in uniform should be asked to sacrifice for the country, McCain spoke almost entirely about cutting or freezing government programs. It was a strange answer from a man whose military career […]
I say that I don’t watch these debates directly because I’ve got P.T.S.D. from 2000 and 2004. But that’s not all of it. Watching John McCain’s smirks, or his referring to Obama as "that one," or his refusing to shake hands – the whole contempt thing – just makes my blood boil. Smoochie says, "He […]
Listening from the back room where I can vaguely hear the debates, I have FDL and ThinkProgress open on my desktop. I’ve tried the live feed from CNN, but McCain’s carriage and demeanor just put me off too much. From ThinkProgress: "9:32: In addition to reducing many vital services, John McCain’s proposed spending freeze – […]
Who can know what such things mean at this point? I’m apprehensive about tonight’s debate. I don’t think it’s about Obama not being up to the task of dealing with McCain’s escalating nastiness. Nor am I worried about McCain’s McCarthy-like attacks about Ayers. What worries me, I think, is that Obama is between a rock […]
The Flimflam Strategy By Eugene Robinson Let’s see: The financial system is still in grave peril, despite Congress’s approval of an unprecedented $700 billion bailout. Unemployment is rising, the economy is slowing, and the question isn’t whether we’re in for a recession but how long and how deep the recession will be. Meanwhile, U.S. troops […]
What Kind Of Campaign Is McCain Running? The sort of campaign in which a supporter can apparently yell, in response to the central question of McCain’s speech today — "who is the real Barack Obama" — "terrorist!" The sort in which a crowd responds to McCain’s portrayal of Obama as an alien outsider with a […]
Nervous Days as Consumers Tighten Belts Cowed by the financial crisis, American consumers are pulling back on their spending, all but guaranteeing that the economic situation will get worse before it gets better. In response to the falling value of their homes and high gasoline prices, Americans have become more frugal all year. But in […]
Make-Believe Maverick A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty There is absolutely no summary possible for this Rolling Stones article. It has to be read to be believed… And if you’re still on the fence about McCain’s character, check out this bit of […]
Fannie Mae was founded as a government agency in 1938 as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal to provide liquidity to the mortgage market. For the next thirty years, Fannie Mae held a virtual monopoly on the secondary mortgage market in the United States. In 1968, to remove the activity of Fannie Mae from […]
So, let’s lighten it up a bit on Marble Festival Day.. Enough of this Mortgage Crisis talk. As advertised, the Shriners were out in force with their funny cars, as were a gajillion princesses, tow trucks, fire engines, and a particularly loud contingency of motorcycles. This year, there were two Christian Puppet floats. The High […]