Statement on Congressional Approval of Bailout This is the first time in the history of the United States that the president has sought to provoke a financial panic to get legislation through Congress. While this has proven to be a successful political strategy, it marks yet another low point in American politics. It was incredibly […]
It’s strange to have spent the last several years keeping up with what has seemed to me to be a corrupt Administration in Washington, and then to read about corruption in a place that has been so much a part of my life – the Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. In the […]
House Approves $700B Financial Rescue Package President Bush Signs Bill Into Law Same Afternoon In a dramatic reversal, the House today approved by a comfortable margin a $700 billion financial rescue package that will bring the greatest intervention of the federal government into the private marketplace since the Great Depression, attempting to prevent the economy […]
New York Times Top Psychiatrist Failed to Report Drug Income One of the nation’s most influential psychiatrists earned more than $2.8 million in consulting arrangements with drug makers between 2000 and 2007, failed to report at least $1.2 million of this income to his university, and violated federal research rules, according to documents provided to […]
The Winkby: emptywheel For the record, I hate when male politicians wink too. Someone in the Senate–it might even be Joe Biden (though he certainly didn’t do it last night), or maybe Chuck Schumer–does it, and it infuriates me that a politician would diminish his work by incorporating such smarmy body language into his shtick. […]
Thanks to the Wing Nuts … Since the risk of a Wall Street meltdown is still very real, and since nobody has come up with a better idea, the bailout should go forward. It will probably save the homes and livelihoods of millions of Americans. But it will do so by absolving some of our […]
Palin Takes On A New Foe: Her Image She subverted the whole purpose of the exercise by merely repeating the key points of her running mate, Sen. John McCain, and ignoring questions that called for more specific answers. People who came to the debate loving Sarah Palin probably went away from it loving her as […]
So, as Cuba Gooding said in the movie Jerry McGuire, "Show me the Money!" or Deep Throat said in All the President’s Men, "Follow the Money!" In a previous post at the beginning of this crisis, I was asking "where has all of the money gone?" like most Americans. Well, now I know more about […]
[Okay, I admit it. I hate debates. All I do is worry that my person will screw up and the other one won’t. So I’m passing the time until it’s history – then I can watch it. Somehow, it’s the ‘real time’ thing that really gets to me.] This is my adaptation of economist Robert […]