
Archive for November, 2008

a nation of insomniacs…

"I think the fat lady is singing.  But I’m still having trouble sleeping," says Ralph in Atlanta. "Hi, this is Julie. I can’t sleep. I’m a nervous wreck," says Julie calling from Bethesda. "The people I’m calling can’t sleep either," say wife Sharon making calls for Obama. "I can’t believe that the time changed! […]

mo’ video…

at least…

Vote for ( ) By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Here’s what strikes me this election eve: I can’t remember a presidential campaign that was so disconnected from the actual challenges of governing that will confront the winner the morning after. When this election campaign began two years ago, the big issue was how and for how […]

encouraging news…

from posted on Open Left

sexism 2008…

Will She Ever Get There? By Anne E. Kornblut Sunday, November 2, 2008 As the presidential campaign draws to a close, it’s commonplace to hear 2008 heralded as an excellent year for women. But has it been? First Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton ran the most serious presidential campaign of any woman in U.S. history. Then […]

it’s not dumb, it’s fear

The Evidence Establishes, without Question, that Republican Rule Is Dangerous: Why It Is High Time to Fix This Situation, For the Good of the Nation Occasionally, during the past eight years of writing this column, I have addressed the remarkably dangerous manner in which Republican Party officials rule the nation when they control one or […]

focus on focus on the family

Recently, I was writing about Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family: … James Dobson, on the other hand, operates Focus on the Family as a tax free religious organization. He’s established Focus on the Family Action as a taxable political entity. He always makes some disclaimer when he gets political, disavowing that he […]

poll data…