So, on the December the 26th after my daughter headed back home from a good holiday visit, I took a nap. I drove my truck on Saturday the 27th – which was fine. On the 28th, I got in my truck and it was "missing" and an ominous light on the dashboard lit up, shaped like an engine. I turned it off. The next morning, a friend followed me as my truck limped and sputtered to Jasper Jeep where it still sits. Later that day, they called and said I might want to call my insurance company. Seems that a rat/mouse/squirrel/possum had moved in on Saturday night and built a nest.
Fortunately, I have full coverage for rodent attacks on my truck, because it was a $2000 nest that the rat/mouse/squirrel/possum had created on Saturday night. I’m now locally famous as the most recent such victim. Every time I tell this story, more people appear who have been similarly afflicted. The guy at Jasper Jeep says it happens a lot, particularly on cold nights. I told him that I preferred calling it a possum attack for aesthetic reasons, but they were adamant that it was either a rat or a "very industrious field mouse."
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