My Magic Penny Keeps You Safe
by: tremayne
In the fall of 2001 I picked up a penny and since that time we have not had a major terrorist attack in the United States. My magic penny is the reason. I know this because I did not have the magic penny on Sept. 11, 2001 and that was a very bad day. But since then we have been safe so the most logical conclusion is my magic penny…
The last time I had a magic penny was the period from spring of 1993 to the summer of 2001 when I lost it. That penny had specific powers, it protected the World Trade Center. Too bad I lost it. My bad. But fortunately I have a new magic penny. And it’s hard at work keeping us safe. Hopefully, if my magic penny ever wears out, it will first teach a new magic penny to keep us safe.
I wish I’d said that. And now that Bush is going home to Crawford, I’m reassured that tremayne’s penny is on the job…
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