
Archive for January, 2009

mirror, mirror, on the wall…

I’ve developed an odd aversion to Bush-bashing. I’m put off by people "piling on" who weren’t vocal back when it might have made a difference. Now, it’s easy. I needed to hear it back in 2002 or 2003 when it might have helped. But, I think I’m projecting my own guilt onto others. I’m ashamed […]

impossible situations…

While I can mount arguments on either side of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, none are passionate. They’re just my own lame attempts at understanding something that defies cognitive mastery. "They fight – that’s what they do" is the only thing I can think of to say. I don’t like thinking about it, and it rarely comes […]

CSPAN’s ratings…

CONGRESSMAN BACHUS URGES HEARING ON MADOFF ALEGATIONS WASHINGTON – Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-6), Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, urged Chairman Barney Frank in a letter today to convene hearings on the alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme committed by Bernard Madoff, a former Chairman of the Board of the NASDAQ Stock Market… December […]

gaza strip…

The Gaza Strip is 139 Square Miles with over a million and a half people [I live in a rural Georgia County that’s 232 square miles with about 30,000 people]. All of those mottled grey areas that contrast with the farmland in Israel are settlements [cities] full of people [roughly 11,000/square mile]. Israel is now […]

unseemly at best…

Reid On Tape Manipulating Illinois Senate Seat Before Blago’s Arrest Thursday I described The Ugly Legal Optics Of Harry Reid’s Burris Battle. There is a new cloud dimming the already ugly optics. An article that just hit the website of the Chicago Sun Times reports Harry Reid already had his heavy ham fisted hand deep […]


Sometimes, the long "lead-up" isn’t such a good idea. The endless Presidential Campaign was exhausting. and I’m not sure that it was all that helpful. The time from November 4th to January 20th now seems interminable. Too much time to think, to let the hoardes of pundits weigh in with opinions.Too much pre-game show. Which […]

“one must think of the final result”…

We’ve had quite a run recently with the ethical dilemma – "the ends justify the means." The outgoing Bush Administration clearly comes down hard on one side of the argument. Assasinating Saddam Hussein, pre-emptively invading a soveriegn nation without provocation, torturing prisoners of war, domestic spying, using the Department of Justice politically, invalidating Congress with […]

exploitation is the word that comes to mind…

A close read of today’s Washington Post article on Hedge Funds makes the problem at hand very clear. Even though it’s abundantly clear that these funds had a major role in the creation of our financial crisis [multiplying any systemic problems in the economy], they made money – and people do love to make money: […]

going to get along without you now…

Like most financial markets, Hedge Funds have an index too, just like the Dow Jones Index or the Standard and Poors for the Stock Market. This is the CISDM Index shown compared to the Standard and Poors Stock Market Index [click on the graph for details]: The CASAM CISDM Equal Weighted Hedge Fund Index reflects […]

“government is bad”…

Bigger Than Bush By PAUL KRUGMAN January 1, 2009 … The fault, however, lies not in Republicans’ stars but in themselves. Forty years ago the G.O.P. decided, in effect, to make itself the party of racial backlash. And everything that has happened in recent years, from the choice of Mr. Bush as the party’s champion, […]