is that a clock I hear ticking?

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2009

short version whole speech

from Abu Zubaydah by Waterboarding
By: emptywheel
June 10, 2009

Sheldon Whitehouse gave a barnburner of a speech last night, in which he described how egregious Dick Cheney’s lies about torture have been. The speech goes further than President Obama’s and Russ Feingold’s and Carl Levin’s calls on Cheney’s lies in two ways. First, those other calls focused on whether the documents Cheney wants declassified actually say what he claims they say; Whitehouse focused on whether Cheney’s more basic claims about torture are true. And second, Whitehouse here focuses not on whether we needed waterboarding to get intelligence [Obama, for example, said, "the public reports and the public justifications for these techniques – which is that we got information from these individuals that were subjected to these techniques – doesn’t answer the core question, which is:  Could we have gotten that same information without resorting to these techniques?], but whether we actually got any useful intelligence from the methods at all. 

Whitehouse says that no further actionable intelligence was gained through the torture used on Abu Zubaydah after he was turned over to the CIA contractors for good…
    I want my colleagues and the American public to know that, measured against the information I’ve been able to gain access to, the story-line that we have been led to believe, the story-line about waterboarding that we have been sold, is false in every one of its dimensions, and I ask that my colleagues be patient and be prepared to listen to the evidence when all is said and done before they wrap themselves in that storyline.
Whitehouse is involved in the Senate Select Intelligence Committee investigation, so he has seen all the available documents, including the "classified" documents. And speaking of the political use of secrecy, check out Bill Leonard’s comments [recently retired Director of the Information Security Oversight Office, the division of the National Archives and Records Administration that deals with classified documents]. He’s very clear that the Bush Administration abused classification for political reasons:

    June 11, 2009 | 8:48 AM

    Now we know why Cheney has been trying to get HIS story out there and why he appears to look spooked. When the Republican senator Chafee lost his seat to Whitehouse,I felt really bad because he was the only Republican senator who didn’t vote for the war. I now see why history and our country needed former US Attorney Sheldon Whitehouse to get to the bottom of this torture disgrace. He appears to have what it takes to uncover the real reasons Bush/Cheney tortured prisoners. If all comes out it would be ironic if Congress took measures to make sure the executive branch had less power because of their actions much like the Church Committee did after Nixon and Watergate. Cheney was President Ford’s chief of staff and it was said many times that he was apalled by the powers taken away from a president after Watergate. I think John Dean’s book “Worse than Watergate”: should be read by every Senator.

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