the media is tearing apart John Ensign’s family…

Posted on Thursday 9 July 2009

Hampton suggested that Coburn urged Ensign to write a February 2008 letter apologizing to Hampton’s wife, Cindy, a campaign aide to Ensign. But on Thursday, Coburn said: “He is in error, and he’s manipulating the situation and you are all buying it.” “I was never present when a letter was written, never made any assessment of paying anybody anything. Those are untruths. Those are absolute untruths”…

In the meantime, the scandal has touched Coburn, a fellow Christian conservative.

“Dr. Coburn did everything he could to encourage Sen. Ensign to end his affair and to persuade Sen. Ensign to repair the damage he had caused to his own marriage and the Hampton’s marriage,” Coburn’s office said in a remarkable public rebuke of his friend and fellow Christian conservative. “Had Sen. Ensign followed Dr. Coburn’s advice, this episode would have ended, and been made public, long ago.”

On Thursday, Coburn declined to go into detail about his conversations with Ensign.

“I’m not going to go into that – that’s privileged communications. I’m not never going to talk about that anybody. … I never will, not to a court of law, not to an Ethics Committee, not to anybody – because that is privileged communication that I will never reveal to anybody.” And the senator lashed out at the media for continuing to focus on the matter and for helping “tear apart” the Hamptons and the Ensigns, who each have three kids and have known each other for years. “You’ve got two families that are back together and you guys are going to help tear them apart. What do you think their kids are thinking about what you’re writing right now? You’re helping tear apart two families that are back together – you need to quit.”
Anatomical Controversy?
By Josh Marshall

Now that Sen. Coburn (R-OK) has said he will not answer any questions about his conversations with Sen. Ensign (R-NV) because he was acting as his physician (and spiritual counselor), TPM Reader DE reminds us that Dr. Coburn is an OB/Gyn. A deeper scandal than we’d ever imagined?
So, Senator Tom Coburn [R-OK], is washing his hands of both Senator Ensign and former aide Doug Hampton [not a bad move]. And he’s recommending that the Press stop pursuing the story. The Press is "helping tear apart two families that are back together." Best I can tell, John Ensign and Cindy Hampton did their part in the family tearing department. And while we’re at it, Doug Hampton is doing his share of family tearing apart work too. Only Darlene Hampton is not implicated [except in Ensign’s letter: "I justified my actions because I blamed my wife"].

Judge not, that ye be not judged.Matthew 7:1

After what the Religious Right has put us through in these last couple of decades, they’re in no position to tell us what to think or what to write about. After what they’ve done to the homosexual community, they’re in no position to tell anyone to stop tearing people’s lives apart. After what they’ve done to medical research, they are in no position to tell us about anything. When I read Coburn’s little snit, I was reminded of what Joseph Welch said to Joseph McCarthy. It’s what I want to say to the entirity of the religious right:
"… I think I have never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness… If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty I would do so. I like to think that I am a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me…. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"
We don’t need to hear from these people any more, about anything….

Ensign Acknowledges Mistress Payment 
Washington Post
The Fix

Nevada Sen. John Ensign has acknowledged his parents gave his mistress nearly $100,000. Nevada Sen. John Ensign has acknowledged that his parents paid his mistress and her family $96,000 in April 2008, according to a statement made by his attorney moments ago.

Statement on behalf of Senator John Ensign:

In April 2008, Senator John Ensign’s parents each made gifts to Doug Hampton, Cindy Hampton, and two of their children in the form of a check totaling $96,000. Each gift was limited to $12,000. The payments were made as gifts, accepted as gifts and complied with tax rules governing gifts.

After the Senator told his parents about the affair, his parents decided to make the gifts out of concern for the well-being of long-time family friends during a difficult time. The gifts are consistent with a pattern of generosity by the Ensign family to the Hamptons and others.

None of the gifts came from campaign or official funds nor were they related to any campaign or official duties. Senator Ensign has complied with all applicable laws and Senate ethics rules.

Paul Coggins
Fish & Richardson P.C.
Counsel for Senator John Ensign
    Woody Harriman
    July 9, 2009 | 3:06 PM


    July 9, 2009 | 4:30 PM

    Am I hearing voices? Woody. Is that you?

    Woody Harriman
    July 9, 2009 | 6:15 PM

    Yep, it’s me. Came across your blog some months back. It’s been a significant contributor to my mental equilibrium, thank you very much. Like you, I’m geographically surrounded by those of the opposite political stripe. Today, I think you made an excellent point emphatically: “We don’t need to hear from these people any more, about anything….”

    Anyway, keep on keeping on — I’m a big fan.

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