southern born, southern bred…

Posted on Friday 17 July 2009

Growing up in East Tennessee and North Georgia, I always thought of myself as Southern. But as my circle of experience widened, and I realized that I was from Appalachia, not "The South." "The South" was something I knew from Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Carson McCullers, Flannery O’Connor – those strange Gothic stories  that seemed to be about some historical period I’d never known. Then I spent time in places like Charleston, New Orleans, Memphis, Mississippi, and I learned that that flair for flamboyant characters and intrigue lived on even into the present. No place does better drama than our Old South, and we’ve certainly seen that play out recently.

First, South Carolina’s Governor disappears, turning out to be having an affair in Argentina while the first lady summers on Sullivan’s Island with his four sons. And he turns out to be connected to an obscure secretive Christian something-or-another called C Street in Washington – as was a philandering Nevada Senator recently outed for his own affair with his best friend’s wife. Now, only weeks later, a recently retired young up-and-coming Congressman from Mississippi, Chip Pickering, former resident at C Street himself, has turned down a Senate appointment and divorced his wife [five sons] to be with his long time lover and college girlfriend [recently divorced from her Psychiatrist husband]. Pickering’s wife is now suing his new [old] flame for alienation of affections.

This is scandal at its best! All you have to do to make it into a southern novel is have C Street turn out to be a front for the Klan and for Governor Sanford and Congressman Pickering to unknowingly be half brothers, spawn of a traveling revivalist in a previous generation…
“C” Is for Cheater
By: emptywheel
July 16, 2009

If I were the wife of one of the boys shacking up at C Street who had not yet admitted an extramarital affair, I’d be getting nervous about now.

    Another C Street Vet Falls To An Extramarital Affair
    By Rachel Slajda
    July 16, 2009

    Former Congressman and C Street resident Chip Pickering’s estranged wife has filed a lawsuit against Pickering’s alleged mistress. Leisha Pickering is suing Elizabeth Creekmore-Byrd for alienation of affection.

    Rep. Pickering, a Republican from Mississippi, allegedly continued seeing his college sweetheart while they were both married. According to the suit, some of the "wrongful conduct" occurred at the C Street facility for Christian congressmen — the same one where Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) have lived, and where Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC) has recently sought counseling.

    What’s with this place?

    The suit alleges Pickering and Creekmore-Byrd are still together. Perhaps they’re soul mates?

    The complaint, filed Tuesday in Hinds County Circuit Court in Mississippi, is 28 14 pages long, plus evidence, so we’ll be posting more if we find anything particularly juicy.
Let’s see. Zach Wamp. Bart Stupak (a Dem). Jim DeMint. Sam Brownback. And of course, C Street’s resident ObGyn, Tom Coburn.

Any of you have something you want to tell us?
Pickering’s wife sues alleged mistress
Clarion Ledger
by Jimmie E. Gates
July 17, 2009

Chip and Leisha PickeringThe 45-year-old Republican is now a lobbyist in Washington for Cellular South, the company Creekmore-Byrd’s family owns and which contributed to his congressional campaigns. The lawsuit says Creekmore-Byrd is on the board of directors of her family businesses.

Pickering, who helped draft telecommunications legislation during his congressional career as vice chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, retired from Congress in January. In 2008, the Family Research Council Action and Focus on the Family Action recognized him as a "True Blue" member of Congress "for supporting public policy that values human life, protects our religious liberties, and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family."

Pickering first was elected to the central Mississippi congressional district in 1996. He surprised many in political circles when he announced in August 2007 that he would not seek re-election in 2008, saying he wanted to spend more time with his family. He was considered a top contender for Lott’s seat, but abruptly took his name out of the running, again saying he wanted to spend more family time.
    July 18, 2009 | 10:31 AM

    There’s nothing sinister about the C Street Fellowship. The group just believes that “love thy neighbor” trumps the Ten Commandments if you’re rich, white, male and Republican.


    July 18, 2009 | 12:25 PM

    Mickey wrote: “All you have to do to make it into a southern novel is have C Street turn out to be a front for the Klan and for Governor Sanford and Congressman Pickering to unknowingly be half brothers, spawn of a traveling revivalist in a previous generation…”

    What a great plot line for a bad novel. You could be the 21st century Erskine Caldwell.

    July 18, 2009 | 12:31 PM

    I have a theory about these C Street guys — well, about all the philandering religious and political types. See, they really suffer from testosterone poisoning, and they try to channel it into righteous ways through religion; a lot of them also get into politics as a way of using power to sop up all that testosterone.

    But these attempts to sublimate it all fail, and they wind up acting on the sexual urges. It’s no reflection on their wives that they can’t contain it for them — testosterone knows nothing about commitment, fidelity, trust, and wisdom. It just wants to hump what’s at hand.

    Maybe anti-testosterone hormonal therapy would help. Who knows, it might even make them think twice about voting us into war or buying those unnecessary, phallic, aggressive, expensive, extra F-22s.

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