he really did…

Posted on Saturday 18 July 2009


Television came to our house in 1951. It was mostly snow [it’s a long way from Atlanta to Chattanooga, no matter how high your antenna]. But then we got our own stations and it looked like this picture. I’ve been trying to remember how I thought about Walter Cronkite. It was different than I think of Brian Williams or thought of Peter Jennings. I think it was closer to how I thought of God as a little boy – a big important man who knew things. It never occurred to me to think about his political leanings, or personal biases – he was more important than that. Maybe it was my child mind at work, but the things he said were more like the absolute fact than anything is these days. We watched to find out how it was in the world, never thinking that is was how he or his writers were thinking it was. He was Walter Cronkite, and he just knew.

And I think he really did…

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