
Archive for July, 2009


Sanford: An apology, and a pledge The State By MARK SANFORD July 19, 2009 I have struggled with how best to convey my regret in letting so many down, and in that regard I realize this column does not do justice to the process of saying “I am sorry.” A hand-written note or phone call […]

a sad ending for him to watch…

Flashback: Cronkite Warned In Lead-Up To Iraq War — ‘We Are Going To Be In Such A Fix’ ThinkProgress July 19, 2009 … Salon’s Glenn Greenwald notes that the media is largely glossing over Cronkite’s “most celebrated and significant moment” — “when he stood up and announced that Americans shouldn’t trust the statements being made […]

how it was supposed to go…

Cheney didn’t know that Joseph Wilson had been sent to Niger by the C.I.A. It’s in the marginalia in his copy of the New York Times: The way they planned it, how it was supposed to go, Plame’s identity would leak, then Cheney would deny knowing anything about Wilson’s trip, and that would be that. […]

do it…

And you know what? [The Defense] said something here that we’re trying to put a cloud on the Vice President. We’ll talk straight. There is a cloud over what the Vice President did that week. He wrote those columns. He had those meetings. He sent Libby off to Judith Miller at the St. Regis Hotel. […]

he really did…

  Television came to our house in 1951. It was mostly snow [it’s a long way from Atlanta to Chattanooga, no matter how high your antenna]. But then we got our own stations and it looked like this picture. I’ve been trying to remember how I thought about Walter Cronkite. It was different than I […]

paranoia fatigue…

House Panel to Investigate Canceled CIA Program By Paul Kane and Joby Warrick Washington Post July 18, 2009 The House intelligence committee announced yesterday it will investigate the CIA’s handling of its secret al-Qaeda assassination program, including whether Vice President Richard B. Cheney improperly intervened to stop the agency from telling Congress about the initiative. […]

southern born, southern bred…

Growing up in East Tennessee and North Georgia, I always thought of myself as Southern. But as my circle of experience widened, and I realized that I was from Appalachia, not "The South." "The South" was something I knew from Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Carson McCullers, Flannery O’Connor – those strange Gothic stories  that seemed to […]

very nice indeed…

It feels like a see-saw. One day, the C.I.A. had an evil hit squad, the next day, the CIA acted appropriately. One day Cheney’s Darth Vader, the next day, Cheney wasn’t involved. I’ve been back and forth myself innumerable times. Zachary Roth of TPMmuckraker has the answer to this dilemma. They could just tell us […]

oh look! another one!…

The President Moves the Economic Goalposts The stimulus isn’t working as originally advertised Wall Street Journal By KARL ROVE 07/16/2009 … As is Mr. Obama’s habit, he has answered his critics by creating straw-man arguments. In last weekend’s radio address, he attacked detractors as those who "felt that doing nothing was somehow an answer." But […]

John Yoo: The Moses Complex…

Why We Endorsed Warrantless Wiretaps The inspectors general report ignores history and plays politics with the law. Wall Street Journal By JOHN YOO 07/16/2009 It was instantly clear after Sept. 11, 2001, that our security agencies knew little about al Qaeda’s inner workings, could not detect its operatives’ entry into the country, nor predict where […]