I don’t know whether he moved a single vote with that speech, but he couldn’t have given it a better shot. I liked the plan and thought he presented it clearly. Barack Obama is an remarkable person. We’re just so lucky to have him right now. And he’s a work in progress, learning every day how to weather the absolutely unprecedented attacks that have dogged him from day one. And there is simply no right-thinking reason to oppose his health care plan.
The speech was directed to the American people, not to Congress. And that’s the right place to aim his efforts. He can’t force the Republicans to act like gentlemen, but the voters can. I loved the speech as I love him. No matter what the outcome of this fight or his Presidency, I feel privileged, even honored, to be alive at a time when I can hear the words of Barack Obama as he champions the "American Character." He is a person of great integrity. If people can’t see that, heaven help us…
Amen, brother.
I was going to say that, but Ralph beat me to it.
Last night watching President Obama’s speech I felt grateful and happy for his caring enough to fight for all of us. Finally we really do have a compassionate president who know first hand the struggles of ordinary citizens.