look at all those white people
When I saw that sign in this picture from the March on Washington yesterday, I wondered, "Is that sign what all this is about?" Do all those people really think that the health care reform debate is about social welfare for black people, or poor people – an attempt to take their hard earned money and give it away to do-nothings, gangster rappers, drug dealers, welfare mothers, etc.? I try to steer clear of this issue because my feelings about it are too strong [I’ll try to be restrained]. But what these people are thinking is way off the mark…
[from the Census Bureau’s annual report on income, poverty and health insurance]
It’s about this:
from: Growth in Health Care Costs, Committee on the Budget United States Senate
The Health Care Industry is Profiteering – Hospital Corporations, Physicians, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Equipment, Medical Insurance, even Patients. Let me say it again. The Health Care Industry is Profiteering. Those people in that march are healthy, employed, white people who think they’re insured. One big illness and they’ll leave the March on Washington. If they want to learn about "trickle up poverty," let them get sick.
As I was writing this, I got an email from friend Carl pointing to an article in The Atlantic [How American Health Care Killed My Father] which says more eloquently than I ever could what all of this is about. Rather than me summarize it, I suggest you read every word. I wish the people at that deluded March up there would read it too. Here’s an illustration from the article:
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