Barack Obama is our President. That’s what he is. He’s not a fascist, a socialist, a communist, or a racist. Barack Obama‘s just our President. On tonight’s news, there’s a litany of stuff in response to what Jimmy Carter said about all the attacks on Obama. Carter said the attacks are racist [mostly, he said it because they are]. I said it too. So did most of you. So the t.v. is bulging with "racist" "racism" "Acorn" "Van Jones" "Limbaugh" "Beck" etc.
Our President, Barack Obama, has done the right thing [so far] – nothing. He’s following my famous rule for living:

Obama Disagrees with Carter Statement on Racism
Washington Post
By Krissah Thompson
September 16, 2009A day after former president Jimmy Carter said that race is at the heart of much of the opposition to President Obama, President Obama said through his spokesman that he disagrees.
"The president does not believe that the criticism comes based on the color of his skin," Gibbs said Wednesday. "We understand that people have disagreements with some of the decisions that we’ve made and some of the extraordinary actions that had to be undertaken by this administration. . . . The president does not believe that it’s based on the color of his skin"…
That’s what my Dad always says.
They’re both right. Carter is right about what is. Obama is right about how to handle it — ok, he’s politically right, and that’s not a bad thing to be. It could only be a distraction, and we already have plenty of that.
Obama’s ability to keep focused on the main goal is why he will succeed in the long run. I’m beginning even to think that his strategy on public option is smart — make a strong case for it and then wait for the public to “make him do it.” And public support is building. At a rally today, people cheered when it was mentioned and booed when the Baucus plan was mentioned.
I often refer to this quote in my own life. It’s saved me a lot of frustration over the past few years. I’m glad to see our President uses the same idea whether he voices it the same or not.