we’re used to it, but…

Posted on Friday 9 October 2009

It pours out in a steady stream, every day. And we are used to it. But, if you think about it for a moment, it’s a travesty that this man has a public place to blather. And the Republicans? Last week the cheered when Chicago didn’t get the Olympics. Today they made affirmative action jokes about the Nobel Peace Prize. The RNC said:
"The real question Americans are asking is, ‘What has President Obama actually accomplished?’ It is unfortunate that the president’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights. One thing is certain – President Obama won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action."
I wish I could just ignore it, but I can’t. I think it makes me feel ashamed of living in a country where this kind of sarcastic venom is widely listened to.  They say it isn’t racist. Well, what is it? I’ll have to admit that I really enjoyed reading this:
BY Ohm Youngmisuk
October 9th 2009

Mathias Kiwanuka loves his former defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo, but the Giants’ defensive end says he will never play for Spagnuolo’s Rams if Rush Limbaugh purchases the team. Kiwanuka and the Jets’ Bart Scott made it clear Thursday that they would never play for the Rams or any team owned by the controversial conservative radio host.

"All I know is from the last comment I heard, he said in [President] Obama’s America, white kids are getting beat up on the bus while black kids are chanting ‘right on,’" Kiwanuka told The Daily News. "I mean, I don’t want anything to do with a team that he has any part of. He can do whatever he wants, it is a free country. But if it goes through, I can tell you where I am not going to play."

"I am not going to draw a conclusion from a person off of one comment, but when it is time after time after time and there’s a consistent pattern of disrespect and just a complete misunderstanding of an entire culture that I am a part of, I can’t respect him as a man"…
    October 10, 2009 | 5:22 PM

    “I can’t respect him as a man”….doesn’t that just say it all? It got me wondering where the person is who could declare otherwise…certainly not his former housekeeping staff who he involved in his drug seeking errands, not Lindsey Graham, probably too profane and tarnished for Jim Dobson…so who?

    October 10, 2009 | 6:06 PM

    Didn’t I call this one yesterday?

    Fat-Boy Limbaugh: “The bigger issue here is how the left-wing global elite is manipulating Obama from the United Nations to the Nobel committee to capitals in Europe, and that’s exactly what this award is. It’s an attempt to manipulate Obama to the detriment of the United States. They know that they have a kindred spirit, a leftist radical — and they are using invitations for speeches and praise, and now the Peace Prize to help motivate him, to keep him on the path he’s on toward destroying the United States of America as a world superpower.”

    I couldn’t listen to him even though Mickey linked to audio of him…I have trouble with blowhards generally. Besides, his onanistic babble is sickening enough to read…”the second Kenyan to win the (Nobel)”, “his (POTUS) head is now growing so big that his ears actually fit”,”…Obama’s family over there in the hut village somewhere in Kenya”.

    Walter Cronkite came home to Kansas City a week back….laid to rest beside his wife. I miss him, wish he were around to handle this kind of jackassery masquerading as some sort of “news”.

    October 10, 2009 | 11:50 PM

    Carl, Your bringing up Cronkite is so on point. He would never have let such things pass. I miss that kind of fourth establishment…

    October 12, 2009 | 8:12 AM

    Me too!

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