american dominance? ruling?

Posted on Sunday 11 October 2009

CHRIS WALLACE: Do you agree with the widespread analysis that the Nobel Committee was sending a repudiation of the Bush-Cheney policies?
LIZ CHENEY: Well, I think what the committee believes is they’d like to live in a world in which America is not dominant. And I think if you look at the language of the citation, you can see that they talk about, you know, President Obama ruling in a way that makes sense to the majority of the people of the world. You know, Americans don’t elect a president to do that. We elect a president to defend our national interests. And so I think that, you know, they may believe that President Obama also doesn’t agree with American dominance, and they may have been trying to affirm that belief with the prize. I think, unfortunately, they may be right, and I think it’s a concern.
Read the highlighted parts again:
  • President Obama ruling in a way that makes sense to the majority of the people of the world. You know, Americans don’t elect a president to do that. We elect a president to defend our national interests.
  • …they may believe that President Obama also doesn’t agree with American dominance.
She’s talking like American Dominance is something we all support, or believe in, or it’s in the Constitution – like all of us either agree with what she’s saying or even think in these terms. I don’t know that I ever heard of the term American dominance until I read her Dad’s Project for the New American Century. America may well be dominant by reputation, or by size, or by accomplishments, but as something for President Obama to either agree with or disagree with? What’s she talking about? I, for one, absolutely hope that President Obama is ruling in a way that makes sense to the majority of the people of the world. Her Dad sure didn’t do much for us playing it the other way.

And then You know, Americans don’t elect a president to do that. We elect a president to defend our national interests. How does defending our national interests translate to American dominance? I can think of a zillion places where that’s not the case. It’s such a foreign thought to me, LIZ CHENEY’s notion of American dominance. I can imagine that the world would really like for us to get over such an idea. As a matter of fact, I want us to get over such an idea. But the real piece in the piece is President Obama ruling. Ruling? Do American Presidents rule? American Presidents serve. They don’t rule. We do have the concept rule – as in the rule of law. That’s another area where her beloved father dropped the ball.

Who are these people?
    October 12, 2009 | 8:41 AM

    Can’t you just imagine Cheney reading to his daughters at night after coming home from a busy day at the office. We all now how sweet and cuddily the guy is and now he has all that extra time he can read to his many grandchildren. I read a lot of biographies of famous politicians from many different eras and the one constant in these books is that people like Cheney and others like John Bolten is that Republicans don’t seem to run out off guys like them.

    October 12, 2009 | 11:57 AM

    I fantacized him explaining to his little girls about “American Dominance” when he put them to bed at night…

    October 12, 2009 | 7:43 PM

    I think you might have reacted negatively to the 9/16/01 Cheney because you knew from past experience (i.e., the Nixon years) that he is a smarmy, serpent-like, self-serving, blinkered sonofabitch. I’d hazard too, that you had a sense of foreboding when W. was on that pile of rubble which a few days previous had been the WTC, with his arm around a firefighter talking about “the folks” that “knocked down these buildings”. The problem with Cheney’s “dark side” babble is that we’d been paying for the Central Intelligence Agency for a good long while and they had been doing dark sidey things from the git go and STILL the bureaucrats managed to stifle their best dark side work and drop the ball despite the “best” efforts of the agency. And tell me Dick and George and Condi and the rest of the whole crowd didn’t drop the ball spectacularly during the entire transition and through their first 8 months by spurning intelligence offered by members of the previous administration and from the FBI, and from the CIA and from…..American Dominance indeed…Ms. Cheney and Ms. Palin would be like two peas in a festering pod of ignorance.

    October 13, 2009 | 12:00 AM

    “American Dominance indeed…Ms. Cheney and Ms. Palin would be like two peas in a festering pod of ignorance.”

    It really is ignorance or worse. By American Dominance, they mean something like Roman dominance during the Roman Empire….

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