
Posted on Sunday 11 October 2009

I want to be able to "spin" this data, turn it into something other than what it is. I want to divide the total numbers by the number of television watching adults in America and prove that only a small number of people watch television news programs at these times. Everyone else has more sense, I would hope, and watches important things like The Biggest Loser or So you Think You Can Dance – or maybe bad person tv like Dateline, 20/20, or 48 Hours. Maybe I could make a counter-graph of some kind that would neutralize what I see here, but it wouldn’t work. It is what it is, simply depressing…
    October 11, 2009 | 12:10 PM

    Mickey — as an almost total non-watcher of tv (except for Obama speeches and occasionally George Stephanopolis’ talk show) I have never watched these goons.

    I try to take a little comfort by spinning this on the hope that a big percent watch, not because they agree or will be swayed, but simply because it is entertaining and appeals to the “let’s you and him fight” mentality.

    But it’s pretty hard to get much comfort from that spin.

    October 12, 2009 | 8:33 AM

    I don’t watch it either Ralph, but I’m an identical twin and I found out from one of my sons that my twin and her husband and possibly my loving Mom(and I don’t use the word loving sarcasticly) watch Beck every night. My son came home after visiting them and asked me if I’m sure I’m an identical twin because I’m so different in so many ways but especially politically.

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