we all worry…

Posted on Thursday 15 October 2009

Larisa Alexandrovna of Raw Story has an interview posted with Frank Schaeffer – former Religious Right leader and son of its founder, Dr. Francis Schaeffer:

Frank Schaeffer is an outspoken critic of the politicized Christian evangelical right. He sees the “End Times” movement as anti-Semitic. He fears that a right-wing terrorist might assassinate the President of the United States.

None of these talking points would be novel on the left, but Schaeffer is hardly a bleeding heart liberal. His father, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, is considered to be the godfather of the modern religious right movement. Schaeffer himself took up the family mission and became a prominent speaker and writer, promoting many of the sentiments that have given rise to the politically active, extremely well organized and zealous movement of today. He left the religious right in the 1980s, and was a Republican until 2000.

In an interview with Raw Story, Schaeffer — who has a new book coming out this month called Patience with God: Faith for People Who Don’t Like Religion (or Atheism) — discussed his concerns about the radicalization of the Christian right and the increasingly violent rhetoric he foresees turning into actual violence.

"Since President Obama took office I’ve felt like the lonely – maybe crazy – proverbial canary in the coal mine," Schaeffer said. "As a former right wing leader, who many years ago came to my senses and began to try to undo the harm the movement of religious extremism I helped build has done, I’ve been telling the media that we’re facing a dangerous time in our history. A fringe element of the far right Republican Party seems it believes it has a license to incite threatening behavior in the name of God"…
The whole interview is worth reading for his and his father’s views of the Religious Right pundits. But the gist of his concern is that someone will try to assassinate President Obama. He feels like a "canary in a coal mine" on this topic. I can assure him, he’s not alone. We all worry about that. There’s just nothing much more to say about it. We just worry…
    October 15, 2009 | 11:59 AM

    I saw a previous interview with Frank Schaeffer a couple of years ago. Glad to see he now has a book out. We need more of people like him — who have been part of the right-wing movement who came to their senses.

    It’s not likely they’ll change many minds within that movement, but maybe a few around the edges. And it does give some insider information that is useful to others writing about it.

    October 20, 2009 | 8:59 PM

    […] Fox? symptoms…, Obama’s existence…, Jesus loves the little children…, we all worry…, and anything that come out of Glenn Beck’s mouth. It’s all the same stuff. […]

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