
Archive for November, 2009

veterans day parade…

Returning soldiers greet their dogs, and vice versa… U.S. Casualties in Iraq: 4362 killed

a full time job…

Outrage! GOP won’t join in Ft. Hood moment of silence! Daily KOS by David Waldman Nov 11, 2009 When Sen. Bob Menendez [D-NJ] convened a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development yesterday, he asked everyone to join him in a moment of silence for the victims of the Ft. Hood […]

a crime and a sin…

Some years back, I heard a seminar presentation entitled, Psychoanalysis and Religion: Is there a meet? given by a colleague who is both a Professor in the Seminary and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. I knew him primarily as a talented therapist, and I wondered what he would talk about. It didn’t seem like a real question […]

god is not dead…

I could’ve done fine not knowing this, because now I have to deal with it: and this: No longer conservative about his religionWashington PostBy Dana MilbankNovember 10, 2009 It says much about the transformation of the Republican Party that even Newt Gingrich is now carrying the cross. When Gingrich came to power 15 years ago, […]


In an earlier post, I wrote: I think we have the right to object to an abortion ban. But we don’t have the right to insist dissenters pay for abortions they don’t believe in. If we’re "do-gooders," then we’d be better placed to do what Sara suggests and pony up for our beliefs in another […]

dog fights too?…

Ensign moves out of home on C Street Town house shared with Christian colleagues had gained notoriety because of Nevadan’s affair The Nevada Sun By Lisa Mascaro Sen. John Ensign has moved out of the C Street house, the Christian home he shared with other elected officials on Capitol Hill that came under scrutiny for its residents’ […]

the glass is the wrong size…

Thanks to the hard work of the House, we are just two steps away from achieving health insurance reform in America. Now the United States Senate must follow suit and pass its version of the legislation. I am absolutely confident it will, and I look forward to signing comprehensive health insurance reform into law by […]

everything alone…

I was working on a project all day, but tuned in and out of the news about about Major Hasan. It doesn’t seem all that confusing to me. One thing is clear – he had few connections with people in the world – a loner. He apparently sold his soul to the Army in return […]

how DOW?…

While the monthly change [-190,000] in non-farm payroll employment is the lowest since the first of the year, the overall unemployment is up to 10.2% – not good. I have no clue if this is something that denotes a change, or just the way recovery goes. The problem with economics as a science [?] goes […]


[See the note from friend Dawn <here>]… Looking back over the Niger forgery days and Judith Miller’s place in the piece, I had actually thought of David Kelly before Dawn mentioned him, though in a different context. His story is not so well known on this side of the Atlantic. But what a story it […]