This is what the leader of the Republican Party had to say today. I wonder what "The real solution to unemployment is get government out of the freaking way" and "President Obama and Plugs Biden should resign" actually means? I sort of get "We Blinded You with Science" [Climategate refers to the emails stolen from the East Anglia Climatic Research Unit that has the wingnuts all atwitter]. But I really don’t even understand the others [except that "plugs" is a pot shot at Joe Biden’s hair transplants]. How is government in the way of unemployment recovery? How would Obama and Biden resigning help? And why would he use last month’s unemployment figure on the day it finally came down? It’s hard for the uninitiated to understand how this kind of daily distortion and pointless rant holds anyone’s interest. Reminds me of the kid in grammar school who said, "Well, you have cooties!" whenever things didn’t go his way. We responded, "So do you!" That really got to him…
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