for want of a nail…

Posted on Tuesday 12 January 2010

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
but will he return?
The Belfast Telegraph

By David McKittrick
12 January 2010

It is unclear whether Northern Ireland’s First Minister Peter Robinson will return to office following a break which could last up to six weeks, or whether he is being eased out in stages. He remains leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, which faces a difficult Westminster election, probably in May. But the political atmosphere is filled with high drama and uncertainty, and his position looks precarious.

His party has suffered considerable damage in the extraordinary political firestorm which followed his wife Iris’s admission of an affair with a teenager. The move is the latest in a series intended to distance the party from the misbehaviour of Iris Robinson, whom it expelled at the weekend. She is said to be receiving "acute psychiatric treatment".

A whirlwind day at Stormont, Belfast, appeared to start well for Mr Robinson, when his party’s Assembly members passed a unanimous motion pledging "wholehearted support" for him. But this was followed by news that an Assembly minister, Arlene Foster, had been drafted in for a period of up to six weeks as acting First Minister. Mr Robinson said: "As a father and a husband, I need to devote time to deal with family matters. I continue to contend I have acted ethically and it is particularly painful at this time of great personal trauma that I have to defend myself from an unfounded and mischievous allegation"…
Kirk McCambleyPeter RobinsonIris Robinson
Iris lover feigned illness to end affair
New revelations as her husband stands aside
Irish Independent

By Sam Smyth
January 12, 2010

YOUNG businessman Kirk McCambley had to feign serious illness to end his affair with MP Iris Robinson after she bombarded him with emails, texts and love letters. Mr McCambley told Mrs Robinson that he had a form of cancer that threatened his life and affected his sexual performance, the Irish Independent has learned…
And speaking of hormones in politics, the saga in Northern Ireland continues. This is as ludicrous as Sarah Palin being on Fox News as a political commentator, but it has a dire impact on some very delicate politics. The Northern Ireland government is going through something called "devolution" in an attempt to bring home rule to Northern Ireland after centuries of British rule and thousands of deaths. First Minister Peter Robinson was smack dab in the middle of the fray, and this scandal and his stepping down threatens to throw a monkey wrench [spanner] into the whole process.

Clinton barely survived his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky. It’s doubtful that Mr. Robinson will survive his wife’s walk on the wild side. That’s probably as it should be. Mrs. Robinson appears to be a pretty sick cookie and an amoral predator. It’s inconceivable that such things haven’t happened before in their lives. And Mr. Robinson has been taken off his game by the whole business. I expect 40 years with his seemingly unstable wife has taken it’s toll. The young [Vulcan-looking] Prince, Kirk McCambley, seems to be in better shape than the other two, shyly working in his Pub – now a "destination" in Belfast.

This Romance Novel isn’t going to have a happy ending…

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