Well, it’s not the biggest thing on the page, but at least it’s there – an article about the Chilcot Inquiry. Blair Called a Liar in Iraq Inquiry New York Times By JOHN F. BURNS February 2, 2010 LONDON — Only days after Tony Blair offered an impassioned defense of his decision to take Britain […]
I retract my plan to summarize Clare Short‘s comments. I couldn’t do them justice. I would suggest listening to the whole three hours. It is simply the clearest and most right-thinking discourse on the invasion of Iraq: our part, the British part, and what might have been. It would be a shame to miss it […]
Just when I thought I was done with the Chilcot Inquiry, there comes a character, Clare Short, who re-engaged me. Awakening early this morning, I checked to see who was on the docket. It was Clare Short, an MP from Birmingham, who was in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for International Development during the […]
he·ro [Greek á¼¥ρως, hḗrÅs] A hero in Greek mythology and folklore, was originally a demigod, their cult being one of the most distinctive features of ancient Greek religion. Later, hero [male] and heroine [female] came to refer to characters who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and […]
Niccolo Machiavelli never actually said "the ends justify the means". The Italian words that are often mistranslated as such, "si guarda al fine", can be found in The Prince, Chapter XVIII: Concerning the way in Which Princes Should Keep Faith. The phrase is better translated as "one must think of the final result", and was […]
While the British and the Bush Administration approached the question of the legality of the Iraq War in very different ways, in the end, both had flawed processes. I would call the our way psychopathic, and the British way a rationalization [making the irrational out to be rational]. Actually, it was all for show. There’s […]