
Posted on Sunday 9 May 2010

MIAMI BEACH – Californians Against Hate founder Fred Karger has requested the Justice Department investigate George Alan Rekers, the rabidly anti-gay figure who vacationed in Europe with a male prostitute. Karger noted that Rekers is a founder of the Family Research Council (FRC) along with James Dobson, and has raised countless amounts of cash to fuel the anti-gay movement. Tony Perkins heads the FRC. “I wonder just how much this trip cost? Let’s see 10 days in Europe, first class all the way. I’d estimate at least $1000 per day for hotel and meals – Europe’s expensive + business class air fare for two, another $15,000. That adds up to a lot of money,” Karger said in an e-mail.

“Wow, wonder how all the hundreds of thousands of small donors to the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family feel about paying exorbitant fees and salaries to George Alan Rekers that he used to fly a male prostitute and himself to Europe for 10 days?” Karger pointed out that Perkins has been trying to persuade Republicans to pour money into the FRC coffers. “FRC head, Tony Perkins just last month attacked the Republican National Committee on CNN and in a press release, and suggested that RNC donors instead give money to his Family Research Council. Will Perkins now turn down contributions to his tainted organization?” Karger wrote in the e-mail.

“It sounds like these ‘leaders’ should not be bashing, belittling, and demonizing gay people. They will hurt the people closest to them.” Karger also took issue with Rekers’ stance against gay adoption. “Rekers is a father and supposedly a Foster Parent, and he has been the leading advocate against gays and lesbians being allowed to adopt in Florida and Arkansas. How dare he judge others? Just another in a long line of religious-based hypocrites,” Karger wrote.

“Today I sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder to formally request a full and complete United States Department of Justice Investigation of Mr. Rekers and all his activities. The investigation should include but not be limited to the finances and involvement of James Dobson, Focus on the Family as well as and Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council. “There seems to be a pattern here, and with so many problems around the close associates of James Dobson and Tony Perkins, we need to know the truth.”

… Yesterday, however, the larger story took on a new angle. Rachel Slajda reports that Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum (R), currently a leading gubernatorial candidate, used taxpayer money to pay Rekers to bash gays.
    [McCollum] paid George Rekers at least $60,900 to be an expert witness in 2008 while defending Florida’s ban against gay couple adopting children. When a judge called Rekers’ testimony neither “credible nor worthy of forming the basis of public policy,” McCollum explicitly defended him in following briefs.

    Rekers is currently embroiled in a scandal for hiring a male escort to accompany him on a trip to Europe. But he’s also a leader in the ex-gay movement. He co-founded the Family Research Council and sits on the board of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. He has, by all accounts, dedicated his life to protecting children from the “harmful” influence of gay people.

    In his testimony for the state of Florida, Rekers testified that homosexual people have a higher incidence of depression, substance abuse and break-ups than heterosexual people. This, he testified, made homosexual partners incapable of “providing a safe and secure and emotionally stable environment for the child.”
Rekers’ anti-gay testimony was ridiculous, and the judge in the case rejected his remarks, noting that his conclusions are “motivated by his strong ideological and theological convictions that are not consistent with the science.”

But this certainly seems like an area that warrants some follow-up. Bill McCollum used at least $60,900 in taxpayer money — more than most Americans earn in a year — to pay Rekers to make ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims against gay people? And then we find out that Rekers also gallivanted through Europe with a male prostitute?

McCollum has been leading in most statewide polls, but this one might leave a mark.
You know what? This Rekers scandal may have some repercussions after all. The Family Research Council certainly is trying to distance themselves from Rekers. And Bill McCullom is getting inundated with letters asking about Rekers. The State of Florida paid him over $60,000 for his testimony. and this is what they got for their money from the Judge:
Dr. Rekers’ testimony was far from a neutral and unbiased recitation of the relevant scientific evidence. Dr. Rekers’ beliefs are motivated by his strong ideological and theological convictions that are not consistent with the science. Based on his testimony and demeanor at trial, the court can not consider his testimony to be credible nor worthy of forming the basis of public policy.
    May 9, 2010 | 8:45 PM

    $60,900 of Florida taxpayers’ money for expert witness testifying. Wow.

    Ten or twelve years ago, I testified as an expert witness in a trial in New Orleans where the plaintiffs sought to overturn the sodomy laws of Louisiana. Richard Cohen was my counterpart as the state’s expert witness. He was paid, but I don’t know how much.

    I received only my expenses for flying to New Orleans and one night’s hotel charges. Nothing to compensate for taking 2 days off from work, and certainly no $60,900 fee.

    Seems sort of out of balance to me. The state can use taxpayer money to buy the most expensive testimony they can find, and the little guys depend on the kindness of strangers.

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