unencumbered by public office…

Posted on Thursday 10 June 2010

State Senator Jake Knotts

Lexington County, SC [WLTX] – The Lexington County Republican Party has voted to censure State Senator Jake Knotts over his remarks calling GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Nikki Haley and President Barack Obama ragheads. The party passed the resolution by a 25-7 vote Thursday night at a special meeting. Knotts was not present for the event. Even though the vote was not close, there was tension in the meeting between those in favor of the resolution and those who supported Knotts.

On June 3, Knotts said during a broadcast of the online talk show "Pub Politics" that quote, "we already have a raghead in the White House, we don’t need a raghead in the Governor’s mansion"…

Knotts also questioned her religion in comments made to a newspaper reporter, suggesting she wasn’t a Christian. Haley has said before that she is a practicing Methodist…

Earlier in the day, the Greenville County Republican Party Chairman said he would introduce a resolution to force Knotts from the Republican Party. Related Story: Greenville GOP Chairman Wants Knotts Out
    "I cannot sit idly by and watch our Party be torn apart by Senator Jake Knotts’ bigotry," Haddon said in a statement. "At the next state executive committee meeting, I will move for his expulsion from the South Carolina Republican Party. This is the harshest penalty the Party can impose, and it is more than justified in this situation.

    "I also call upon all Republicans endorsed by Senator Knotts to refuse his endorsement, and all Republicans who have endorsed Knotts to withdraw their endorsements. I especially call on our great congressman, Rep. Joe Wilson, to withdraw his endorsement of Senator Knotts, and on Roxanne Wilson to resign as Knotts’ campaign manager. The comments made by Senator Knotts are inexcusable and cannot be tolerated by our Republican Party."
Good for them. They’re doing the right thing. As strange and sometimes comical as the South Carolina Governor’s race has been, this piece of it was different. It was nasty in a way that many of us in the South have spent our lives fighting against. We can’t go back there, ever again. I hope they send Mr. Knotts home to contemplate his arrogance and racism in the privacy of his own pantry – unencumbered by public office.

Note: "I especially call on our great congressman, Rep. Joe Wilson, to withdraw his endorsement of Senator Knotts, and on Roxanne Wilson to resign as Knotts’ campaign manager." You guessed it. US Congressman Joe "you lie" Wilson is married to Jake Knotts’ campaign manager, Roxanne Wilson…

Another Note: Speaking of Joe “you lie” Wilson and Roxanne “‘raghead’ manager” Wilson, they have a son, Alan Wilson, in a runoff for South Carolina Attorney General. Here’s an anonymous Youtube posting about their son…

Yet another Note: And then there’s the surprise winner of the US Senate Democratic Primary, Alvin Greene, to oppose incumbent Jim Demint in November…

And yet a final Note: And there’s still the unresolved saga of Nikki Haley and her alleged dalliances. South Carolina is a never ending fountain of political intrigue…

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