a trip…

Posted on Sunday 11 July 2010

Yesterday, after we arrived in Lubec, a fog bank rolled in that still covers the peninsula. No whale watching today, but the Internet is in the air. So what would Bashō do?
    the rock climbing up,
    then the rock climbing back down.
    a snail takes a trip.
Later: Originally, the snail was climbing up and down a large stone. Once it got down, it wandered off into the grass. Later I went back and it was 10 feet into the yard, climbing up a tall blade of grass. About 2/3 the way up, it tried to back down, but apparently snails don’t have a reverse, so it turned around [which is pretty hard work – much harder on a blade of grass than on a stone]. The film version will be entitled, "Snail: Reaching For The Heavens."
Even Later: The first snail was long gone, but a second snail was approaching the same stone – only this one, identical in every way but one, had no shell. It followed the exact same path up the stone, turned around in the same place as its counterpart an hour before, then entered the yard going in the same direction as the first one. The film version will be entitled, "Snails: Highways and Byways."
    July 14, 2010 | 2:41 PM

    […] Which brings me full circle to the yard Gastropods in Maine. Several discoveries since the last report. Since my original confusion between snails [with shells] and slugs, I’ve seen only sugs […]

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