Every time one of these scandals happens, I am awed by the number of people involved and the amount of money being thrown around. I went to the
New Birth web site looking to see if his self-referential rhetoric is something new, or a product of the scandal. But the web-site is interesting in its own right. ShrinkRap said it was mostly about Long and short on Christianity, but I wasn’t prepared for the entire show. For example, I didn’t expect to find the
Samson’s Health and Fitness Center [I presume it’s named after the Old Testament figure – Samson, of Samson and Delilah fame]. But here’s the part that’s most unusual – the Vision:

God has given Bishop Long a big vision: to
Love Like Him, Live Like Him and
Lead Like Him. A vision where families are strong units, founded in the Word, and raising men and women to be people of integrity, honor and discipline. A vision where communities work together to help the less fortunate so that everyone is not only employed but empowered to be contributing members of society. A vision where corporations and governments turn to men and women of faith [Christian faith] for guidance, direction and leadership in business and governmental affairs. God continues to bring people to New Birth who are both skilled and passionate about
the Kingdom to help make this vision a reality. Our vision can be summed up in this: New Birth is a place where we
LEAD LIKE HIM. That’s the New Birth story. Our history has been rich, but our future will be richer. We hope you will be a part of it.

What’s so unusual about it? The only
HIM shown or mentioned on the page is Bishop Eddie Long. The expected
HIM [Jesus] is nowhere to be found. And there are billboards around with this motto and a great big smiling picture of Eddie Long. No reference to Jesus in sight. On another page, I did find the motto defined as related to Jesus, however that page had a zinger of its own – a reference to the program where his accusers became involved with him:
Driven by a strong call to minister to young boys, Bishop Long started Longfellows; a summer academy that provides a structured, educational environment for boys ages 12 – 16. As long as they hold up their end of the bargain, he upholds his – college tuition. Those are just a few examples of how he not only gives personally but directs corporate giving as well. He is a living example of loving, living and leading like Jesus.
The Mr. Muscle tee-shirts and wig are in pictures all over the site. I’ll admit that there are lots of things on the site that I didn’t understand. For example, apparently New Birth is referred to as "the kingdom" and the parishioners are "kingdom gentlemen" and "kingdom ladies." There are sermon notes posted after each sermon. These are the notes from last Tuesday [the screamer in the video below]:

Some of the words sound vaguely familiar but the meanings are opaque to me. I presume that there’s a theme in his church about Assignment and Anointing. Something about levels and order. I gather that he’s playing this scandal for some kind of trial or persecution that he calls "Spiritual Warfare." But there’s nothing on the site that explains the Gospel according to Eddie Long. And, thus far, the key to things like “Whatever God spoke about me! Whatever God says about me! It shall come to pass!” and “You’re not touching me! You’re messing with a Holy Order that God is establishing! And God can handle Eddie Long!” remains a mystery. I presume that he thinks that whatever mojo he has been working in the past will continue to work. The cult of Eddie Long is a gift that keeps on giving, as they say…
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