the ‘heartless’ left…

Posted on Friday 7 January 2011

So I saw this title in Google while searching for something else and clicked it. It took me to a Fox News blog, FoxNation. The short article wasn’t what struck me. It was the comments. I’ve included the first page or so. I was kind of stunned…

The New York Times ran a rather serious report on Tuesday, regarding former Vice-President Dick Cheney and the new mechanical heart pump he received in July. The addition of the new pump means that Cheney’s heart will never again beat at full strength, and leaves him with a daunting decision whether or not to have a full heart transplant. Naturally, juveniles in the liberal media have had a blast with the news.

Political Wire, a supposedly non-partisan political blog led off a post about the heart transplant with this gem: The New York Times confirms what many of his political opponents always assumed: Dick Cheney has no pulse.

And there’s more… The Atlantic found amusement over the Times page layout, in which it groups together the ‘Heart Pump’ headline with another titled, Thousands Get Heart Devices They Don’t Need, Study Says.


  • Not covered under Obozocare. LIBs just can’t seem to focus on the problems of our times can they – maybe it is because they are the problem
    [10 people liked this.]
  • Aren’t these liberals the most caring, compassionate folks? Gee. My hear is warmed by their empathy. They are really showing their true nature.
    [11 people liked this.]
  • The compassion of the Left never ceases to amaze.
    [15 people liked this.]
    [9 people liked this.]
  • Yet another reason for one’s azs to be chafed. Ruthless commie bastids.
    [5 people liked this.]
  • All are these commies in the media atheists? My gosh, they have no empathy, sympathy, they are cruel and mean. Shame on them. Please say a prayer for Mr. Cheney, his love for America is nothing commies could ever have or understand.
    [14 people liked this.]
  • So much meanness and hate: the Liberals now show their TRUE face to the country.
    [17 people liked this.]
  • Libs/Dimos have nothing else they can attack the man on, they are just like little bullies in grade school. Will they ever grow up?
    [12 people liked this.]
  • Its all part of the Progressive health Care Bill. Anybody over 55 will receive one(1) Senior Citizen Self-seating, C4 Suppositories with a proximity fuse set to ignite when the person applies for Social Security and Medicare.
    [6 people liked this.]
  • Since they could never bring him down, they will attack a sick man. Reminds me of that couple that hauled a coffin in front of the sick little girl’s home. All commies are like that, that’ why dictators like chavez will see someone starving and have a banquet in front of him and never give him a bite. They want it all.
    [6 people liked this.]
  • To the lib Dems that come on here what is your answer to theis sickening garbage spewed out by your kind.
    [8 people liked this.]
  • Under Obamacare the Vice President would allready be dead . No wonder they want it so bad, Further proof of how heartless the left is.
    [7 people liked this.]
  • One could not expect anything less from the scum suckers on the left.
    [4 people liked this].
  • The American people are beginning to more clearly understand that Liberal Progressives are just plain rotten people.
    [9 people liked this.]
  • Oh no, nothing like this would ever be expressed by the tolerant, holding hands and signing kumbaya, loving, charitable, cradle to grave welfare lovers on the left!!! NEVER! Phony, hypocritical scum scukers as someone said ; ) My apologies to scum everywhere.
    [5 people liked this].
  • I guarantee when he dies they’ll be celebrating too, not unlike all those peaceful muslms were celebrating on 9/11 when the towers fell and 3000 innocent americans were killed. But if anyone EVER said anything bad about a DEM VP or PREZ dying or death it would be civil war time!
    [10 people liked this.]
  • Here is the main difference between liberals and conservatives. The liberals are just plain mean and hateful towards anyone with whom they disagree. They cannot separate the person from their politics. They have no heart towards anyone else nor any use for anyone else unless they agree politically. The conservatives on the other hand generally (although there will always be a few crackpots) do not say these cruel things about liberals who may have a disease or terminal illness…
    [14 people liked this.]
  • etc…
I don’t exactly know what to say…
    January 8, 2011 | 12:08 PM

    I guess there has always been this lode of negativity in the American people — but several big factors have magnified it lately: Race is not gone, but it is no longer that potent force for this to be focused on; nor do we have communism as the big enemy; gay rights now has majority support, and even abortion has become less a strident magnet for hate.

    Add to that the rise of the Limbaugh-Beck-Hannity-Ingraham-Coulter disinformation machine to fan the flames and exploit the fear.

    Add in the unbridled amount of money from conservative wealth to pay for influencing the gullible public to vote against its own interests.

    And — very important — add in the really tough economic times for the working lower and middle classes and the high unemployment.

    And you get the recipe for paranoid fear and hatred looking for a scapegoat. Obama and the “liberals” are IT.

    Bernard Carroll
    January 8, 2011 | 4:40 PM

    Well, you were prescient with these observations, Mickey. The shooting of 13 people in Arizona today looks like an instance of ideological rage.

    January 8, 2011 | 5:23 PM

    Preliminary news suggests that the real target may have been the Federal Judge John Roll, who in 2009 had allowed a $32 million lawsuit, brought by illegal immigrants against a local rancher, to go forward. This produced outrage and dead threats against the judge. Local radio talk show hosts at the time had “spurred audiences in making threats,’ such that the judge and his wife were given federal protection for a month back in 2009.

    January 8, 2011 | 6:00 PM

    Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reports that the alldged shooter, Jared Lee Laughner, has a web site which “appears to be a hub of anti-government zealotry, obsession over currency (doesn’t trust any that’s not backed by gold and silver) . . . and, to put it bluntly, outright paranoia.”

    “Ideological rage” in spades. Whether it had anything to do with the case the judge decided or just anti-government in general — we’re in for a good siege of it.

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