
Archive for April, 2013

seen the movie…

A funny thing happened on the way to growing up. While I was in medical school, we got a new chairman of Internal Medicine at the University of Tennessee. He was a big guy, both in persona and in medical reputation – not the kind of person you’d expect at a State Medical School in […]

something essential betrayed…

Since my earliest days writing about Pharma and the state of modern psychiatry, I’ve used some version of the image on the left below to convey my beef about the state of play – most recently a few days ago talking about Dr. David Healy’s Not So Bad Pharma post [see least-squares-mean patients…]. It’s meant […]

hearing voices…

It is difficult to argue against evidence based medicine. Why would anyone even want to do that? Likewise, the double-blinded randomized clinical trial makes intuitive sense to scientists or anyone else that gives it any thought. The  way to see if a drug works is to take a homogeneous group with the same affliction and […]