In my youth, I read a lot of science and a lot of science fiction as well. There are some great science fiction writers, authors who use the genre to weave a solid story with a thoughtful message in the background. And there are many others who just hack out pulp fiction, moved from the […]
Development of the CAT-ANX: A Computerized Adaptive Test for Anxiety by Robert D. Gibbons, David J. Weiss, Paul A. Pilkonis, Ellen Frank, Tara Moore, Jong Bae Kim, and David J. Kupfer. American Journal of Psychiatry. published on-line Aug 9, 2013 Objective: The authors developed a computerized adaptive test for anxiety that decreases patient and clinician […]
The best thing about a weekend away at a meeting seeing okd friends is getting home, no matter how much fun I had. The worst thing about getting home and turning on my modern computer is how long it takes to boot while loading all the stuff it takes to make it modern. A friend […]
Psychiatry: Nothing to Be Defensive About From the President Psychiatric News by Jeffrey Lieberman, M.D. July 17, 2013 The integrity of our profession and the science of psychiatry are being questioned—again by articles in the media. Two recent missives, which I found particularly disturbing, are by the noted columnist David Brooks ["Heroes of Uncertainty," New […]
Re no comment…, the waters receded and the Internet has returned to our piece of the planet. This post has only one purpose – the comments are turned on to see if the spam attack from yesterday has abated.
Last night, 6" of rain fell on our already soaked and flooded part of the world. Just a couple of days ago, we had an even harder overnight rain that caused flash flooding all over our little North Georgia County. So the ground was already saturated for last night’s spectacle. The power, television service, and […]
The Real Implications of the Glaxo Enforcement Action in China Corruption, Crime & Compliance By Michael Volkov August 4, 2013 The headlines get worse and worse. More companies under investigation. More individuals detained and under investigation. The shockwave in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries is palpable. It is all understandable. The message from the […]
Will the Government Do the Right Thing? From the President Psychiatric News by Jeffrey Lieberman June 25, 2013 …there were things about it that gave me pause. The tenor and content of the meeting were not as medically oriented or scientifically based as I would have liked. The presentations and discussions got a little too […]
I smell a strategy coming from PhRMA about this business of AllTrials and RIAT. Two recent articles address the public version. In do the time…, I looked at GSK’s white paper in the New England Journal of Medicine [available via Medscape’s write-up GSK Opens Access to Data From More Than 200 Clinical Trials]. Later, in […]
About the time Iwas heading out of town, the British Medical Journal published a head-to-head debate between Ben Goldacre and John Castellani from PhRMA on Data Transparency. Since most know Ben’s arguments, I thought I’d post the other side to look at what they have to say: Are clinical trial data shared sufficiently today? Yes […]