David Healy appeals Pharmagossip by David Healy September 29, 2013 Two years ago, the European Ombudsman ruled that the European Medicines Agency should open up access to Clinical Trial Data for anyone who applied from anywhere in the world. Six months ago two US pharmaceutical companies AbbVie and InterMune took a legal action against EMA […]
You don’t get to have many really original thoughts in life [and invariably when you do, you find out many before you have already had the same thought]. One of mine had to do with authority. Like many, I have an ambivalent relationship with authority – not just with others but with myself. When I […]
A few days ago, I was talking about a Venn diagram [in proxies…] I’d sketched on the back of an envelope [left above]. A more accurate version of what it really looked like originally is on the right. What I was trying to get at is that in the Clinical Trial process, the motives of […]
When I clicked on Psychiatric News, this flashed across the top banner: Maternal Depression May Impact Brains of Unborn Children PsychiatricNews by Joan Arehart-Treichel September 27, 2013 Evidence that depression can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her unborn child was published online August 21 in Biological Psychiatry. Anqi Qiu, Ph.D., an associate professor […]
Following up on the last post, this is what the AllTrials campaign proposes [the document contains an Appendix with an outline of the specifics]: All trials registered. All results reported. September 2013 The AllTrials campaign calls for all past and present clinical trials to be registered and their results reported. Clinical trials are investigations designed […]
Well a blog isn’t actually a news channel, but I’ll give it a shot. The UK Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons has issued quite a report. Here are three excerpts below of the news coming out of the UK: an article from PharmaTimes; links to the full report from that committee […]
So much of this blog has been about the inappropriate use of psychoactive medications particularly focusing on the industry sponsored clinical trials of the last several decades. Another theme has been the assault on the FDA Black Box Warnings – pediatric use of antidepressants or with Gabapentin that seemed motivated by commercial rather than medical […]
Psycritic’s comment to my last post [a cache for a data-hound…] brought up so much in my mind that instead of responding in the comments, I needed a whole new page [or maybe several]. He said: Your post brings up the interesting question of whether there is a “healthcare bubble” in the U.S., and if […]
I expect many saw the recent report from Elizabeth Bradley at the Yale School of Public Health, The U.S. Health Care Paradox: How Spending More is Getting Us Less. If you haven’t seen it, take a look. It’s brief. The central point was in this graph: When I saw it, I copied the graph for […]
Genome-wide association analysis identifies 13 new risk loci for schizophrenia. by Ripke S, O’Dushlaine C, Chambert K, Moran JL, Kähler AK, Akterin S, Bergen SE, Collins AL, Crowley JJ, Fromer M, Kim Y, Lee SH, Magnusson PK, Sanchez N, Stahl EA, Williams S, Wray NR, Xia K, Bettella F, Borglum AD, Bulik-Sullivan BK, Cormican P, […]