One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don’t do anything at all… From Club to Clinic: Physicians Push Off-Label Ketamine as Rapid Depression Treatment Is Ketamine Right for You? Off-Label Prescriptions for Depression Pick Up in Small Clinics Ketamine, A Darling of the Club […]
Dear Friends Support for AllTrials around the world is growing and we need to keep it that way as we reach some crucial debates. The European Medicines Agency’s proposed policy on publishing and sharing information from clinical trials is open for comment until 30th September. Many of you have been involved in getting your organisations […]
Edmund Husserl was a German philosopher whose work separates the wheat from the chaff, and I’m definitely the latter, knowing next to nothing. I once knew a philosophy professor who was an expert, but all I ever heard him talk about was Husserl’s life and relationship with his assistant, Martin Heidegger. One more story – […]
In right on the money…, I was talking about a "numb" feeling after watching Neal Parker speak for AbbVie last week [a deal-breaker?…]. I remembered another time I felt it. It was in January 2012 and I was at the trial in Austin Texas of Allen Jones and the State of Texas versus Janssen [AKA […]
Back in the late 1970s when the cry for evidence based proof was in its youth and psychiatry was changing, there was a lot of talk about this topic. Cognitive Behavior Therapy was kind of new, and all the rage. Beck was a clear thinker and he won us all over first with "depressive thinking" […]
Like many others, a few days ago I wrote a deal-breaker?…, a post about AbbVie’s lawyer, Neal Parker, who appeared at the Brussels Conference, A Roadmap for Sharing Clinical Data. Among other things, he said: … internal tactical decisions on how we are going to run a study, engage with regulators, and confront and solve […]
UK trial rules tightened up Pharmafile by Adam Hill Published on 11/09/13 at 02:03pm Anyone wanting to conduct clinical trials in the UK will have to register their research in order to receive a ‘favourable ethical opinion’ before they can begin, according to new rules to be introduced at the end of the month. The […]
Who would’ve thought that I would end up reading stuff about the Clinical Trial industry? Not me. I guess I could take solace in some old saying like "variety is the spice of life," but whatever path got me here, here I go again. In a Randomized, Double Blind Clinical Trial, the way things are […]
Non-Profit Leaves Collaboration With Industry Over Glaxo Stance Pharmalot by Ed Silverman 09/09/2013 Five years after the Innovative Medicines Initiative was launched with big hopes of regenerating drug development and discovery in Europe [back story], a high-profile clash has broken out among some of the participants – one of the world’s largest drugmakers and a […]
Physicians Under the Influence: Social Psychology and Industry Marketing Strategies by Sunita Sah and Adriane Fugh-Berman Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. 2013 14[3]:– Pharmaceutical and medical device companies apply social psychology to influence physicians’ prescribing behavior and decision-making. Physicians fail to recognize their vulnerability to commercial influences; due to self-serving bias, rationalization, and cognitive […]