
Archive for August, 2014

under some of the rocks…

I started writing about these topics a few years ago because I was stunned by the deceptive presentation methods in clinical trial reporting. And then I discovered that if a trial didn’t come out like they wanted and couldn’t be doctored, they just didn’t publish it. The more I looked, the worse things got. I […]


How Much? Gilead Will Charge $900 for Sovaldi in India Pharmalot: WSJ By Ed Silverman Aug 7, 2014 India has become the latest country where the Sovaldi hepatitis C treatment will be offered for $900 per patient. The move, which was reported by The Times of India, comes a few weeks after the manufacturer, Gilead […]

a more legitimate science…

You’ll never know more about a disease than with those first cases in medical school. The first autopsy, the first case in the clinic, the first hospitalized patient. It’s all so new and things fall on a mind eager to see the things learned in the basic sciences manifested in a real patient. In those […]


In my last post [the illusion of evidence…], I was playing with the phrases evidence of illusion [looking for signs that a scientific paper has used the the techniques of presentation to obscure rather than clarify data] and the illusion of evidence [valuing the mathematical/statistical results of Randomized Clinical Trials over all other sources of […]