
Archive for June, 2016



    ad·o·les·cence   [ad-l-es-uh ns]     noun: adolescence        the period following the onset of puberty when a young person develops from a child into an adult. Home after a long bus ride on a choir trip, she was in an agitated state. Apparently one of the neighborhood girls had been telling increasingly exaggerated tales, stories our daughter knew were […]

a blast from the past…


I’ve been called out at times for focusing on these older Clinical Trials like Paxil Study 329 or the Citalopram CIT-MD-18 study. I’m kind of tired of talking about them myself. However, there are substantial reasons for dwelling on these trials. For one thing, we’re finally getting to see the back story – the raw […]



NIH study shows almost 10 million US adults misusing prescription opioids in 2012-2013 PHARMABIZ.COM June 24, 2016 Nonmedical use of prescription opioids more than doubled among adults in the United States from 2001-2002 to 2012-2013, based on a study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA], part of the National Institutes of […]

an ink blot…


Closing psychiatric hospitals seemed humane, but the state failed to build a system to replace them Boston Globe by Michael Rezendes, Jenna Russell, Scott Helman, Maria Cramer, and Todd Wallack June 23, 2016 I didn’t try to summarize this article because I challenge you to read it all the way through to the end on […]

this time…


I almost feel like I ought to make an apology. For the last month, my head has been partially elsewhere – a wedding anniversary of note and a celebration cooked up by our daughters that drew a crowd from our earliest days forward. It’s over now, and things are edging their way back to normal. […]

involuntary honesty…


A Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial [RCT] of a medication isn’t really research. That’s already been done earlier. The RCT is product testing with two important elements – efficacy [does it work?] and safety [does it cause harm?] – and in either case, what is the strength of the effect?  Other things might become apparent […]




out of this mess…


Some day there’ll be a best seller, a popular science book that will tell a story currently still in the making – and near the beginning the book will have a chapter about the interchange between David Healy and Charlie Nemeroff in Toronto in 2000 when Healy lost a new job because he talked about […]

a summer reading list…


I first ran across a paper by Cosgrove et al in February [Under the Influence: The Interplay among Industry, Publishing, and Drug Regulation] and have talked about it frequently. I think it’s an important article for a number of reasons: It’s about a contemporary medication, Vortioxetine [Brintellix® now Trintellix®]. Our Paxil Study 329 article and […]

spitzer’s choice…


Major depression is now recognized as a highly prevalent, chronic, recurrent and disabling biological disorder with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Indeed, major depression, which is projected to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide by the year 2020, is associated with high rates of mortality secondary to suicide and to the now […]