
Posted on Friday 29 June 2007

Bush and Vice President Cheney’s optimistic predictions about the Middle East in general and Iraq in particular have proved to be almost completely and consistently wrong for years now. ("Last throes," anyone?)

Before the 2006 election, White House political guru Karl Rove was supremely self-assured in his public predictions of Republican victory.

White House spokesman Tony Snow recently assured the press corps that Bush had enough votes in the Senate on the immigration bill. "I’ll see you at the bill signing," Bush himself told a skeptical journalist on June 11.

Bush and his staff’s credibility regarding statements of "fact" is a frequent subject of debate. But their track record on predictions is something else entirely. The evidence is pretty overwhelming that those predictions are unreliable.

I mention this because Bush’s core argument against a troop drawdown in Iraq — something supported by a large majority of Americans — is basically a prediction. As he put it again yesterday: "If we withdraw before the Iraqi government can defend itself, we would yield the future of Iraq to terrorists like al Qaeda — and we would give a green light to extremists all throughout a troubled region. The consequences for America and the Middle East would be disastrous."
Froomkin puts the Administration’s track record on predictions well – "… those predictions are unreliable." It’s still hard for me to get my mind around how incredibly wrong they’ve been. They’ve done lots of things that I’ve personally thought were disasters, but that’s not their only kind of wrong-ness. Their predictions are more like a catalogue of ther wishes than estimations based on fact. It’s staggering, really. Bad motives, secrecy, and deceit are one thing – being clueless is something else. But they’ve always got an explanation for their being wrong – an explanation revealed after the fact. I had a fantasy as I read that last installment of the Washington Post series. In my mind I saw Cheney saying that it was a shame all those Salmon in the Klamath River committed suicide….
Mickey @ 9:38 PM

casualties in the Iraq War…

Posted on Friday 29 June 2007

Notice any trends? 
Mickey @ 8:39 PM

sounds of silence…

Posted on Friday 29 June 2007

The following item was written by Matthew Blake, a Nation magazine intern:

This past week The Washington Post ran a four-part, as much-depth-as-you-can-take series on Vice President Dick Cheney. It unflinchingly documents Cheney’s unprecedented power and secrecy. His wide-ranging influence stretches from encouraging the use of torture during interrogations of suspected terrorists to orchestrating a massive fish-kill in Oregon.

The articles so thoroughly reinforces the image of Cheney as a dark, ruthless powerbroker that the question is not "How awful is this guy?" but, "Who can now defend him?" While Cheney has earned a reputation for dismissing public opinion, he has long enjoyed support from conservative and neoconservative pundits and advocates. Surely, then, some of his ideological pals must have come to his rescue…

First, I turned to Fox News, but its Web site contained nary a word on the Cheney series. No acknowledgment of its existence–and no counterattack. Next, I visited The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Times. Nada. The Web sites of these centers of conservative opinion were letting their champion in the White House dangle in the wind…

The crusading neocons of The Weekly Standard, I figured, must be firing back. After all, Cheney helped bring about the war in Iraq they had craved for years. And a Weekly writer, Stephen Hayes, has been working on a positive Cheney bio. The Standard could set the world straight on the real Dick Cheney. But its Web site, updated daily with conservative opinions from both staff writers and the blogosphere, offered nothing on Cheney.

Could it be that conservatives were cutting-and-running on their great torchbearer. I performed a Lexis-Nexis search for every article with "Dick Cheney" from newspapers, wires and blogs for the days the series ran. Once again, there was no one defending Cheney…

… I had overlooked a key source. I hadn’t checked the National Review. With 50 years of principled conservative commentary, NR would not be intimidated by a report loaded with named sources in the liberal media… On the magazine’s Web site, Jonah Goldberg had posted a column with the courageous title, "Confessions of a Cheney Fan." … But in ensuing paragraphs, Goldberg betrays his love and tosses Cheney overboard. "It becomes clear," he wrote, "that the Cheney method leaves a lot to be desired." Goldberg concluded that Cheney’s shadowy, uncompromising approach to government is "ultimately counterproductive."

He’s right! I hadn’t really noticed. There’s been silence from the Talking Point Press. I even searched the Rush Limbaugh site and found nothing [I’ll admit to not listening to him to see if he said anything on the air]. Same with Bill O’Reilly. I would interpret this peculiar silence as a possible plan – "don’t dignify the Washington Post’s series by even mentioning it" [meaning: not everyone reads the Washington Post so don’t call attention to it]. Even if it is a strategy to keep the faithful away from the series, it’s still odd that there’s nothing there – absolutely nothing. It’s deafening…

Mickey @ 7:36 PM

a summer mystery…

Posted on Friday 29 June 2007

A friend sent me a summer mystery she thought I might enjoy. It was a murder mystery built into Freud and Jung’s trip to America in 1909. She was right. Though the plot was tortured, the history was accurate, and I did enjoy the book. But the part that stuck with me was the opening page – which had little [or everything] to do with the rest of the book:


I wish I’d had that thought all by myself. It’s a gem that I doubt I’ll ever forget. We’re about to leave for a trip to Eastern Europe – Budapest, Prague, and the Danube in between. When we lived in Europe in the early 70’s, we couldn’t visit those places – the iron curtain was very "up." So we’re going now to pick up on the piece we missed. There was a welcomed lull in the preparation, and I was happily on the front steps lost in watching the various bees and insects busying themselves in the blooming buckeyes and hydrangeas, and I thought of those paragraphs.

Oddly, the thoughts ultimately brought to mind these pictures :

I wonder if he’s ever really happy – ever just watches the bees moving from blossom to blossom. He looks happy when he’s with his daughters sometimes. And there a few shots of him gufhawing [though I wonder what the jokes really are about]. But, mostly, I was wondering about how he got to be the way he is – what wound he suffered, what blow to pride, what indifference he dealt with that gave him such a dark persona. And the part that’s with me the most these days – his lies. I wonder if he believes his own lies, or if he’s more one who believes that what he’s doing justifies them, or if he’s just a person who doesn’t feel the pangs of guilt and shame that keep the rest of us in line.

I expect he’s "ruth-less" in person, in the true sense of that word – lacking the qualities of Ruth, the biblical figure. In a perverted way, Cheney is "in the moment" – he’s lost in it. He’s in the moment of getting the Oregon farmer’s votes – without thinking that he’s destroying the Northwestern fisheries. He’s in the moment when he thinks of invading Iraq, unseating Hussein, and opening up the Iraqi oil fields – without considering that he’s destabilizing the entire Middle East, wrecking our Military, and probably changing the world’s view of America forever [for the worse]. He’s in the moment when he’s protecting the oil industry by suppressing the science about the progression of Global Warming.

But, I doubt that he’s ever been really happy. I expect that the best it gets for him is feeling "pleased with himself" when he pulls off one of his schemes. And what of "meaning?" The "meaning" Cheney’s achieved in the last six years is anything but what I think he must have envisioned. I expect he had a vision of returning to his glory days – Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Papa Bush. His legacy [besides becoming an icon for power-mongering run amok] will be a string of failures on two fronts – failing to advance his own ideal of an Imperial Presidency and, in the long haul, failing at everything he set out to achieve – the War, the Oil, the Reagan World of his fantasy Maybe there will be enough like-minded types around to say "great job Dickie." But I expect he’s at least smart enough to know the truth, even if he can’t tell it. Yet I doubt that he’ll ever acknowledge that the roots of his failure lie in his own flawed soul. If there were ever a man wrecked by success – Dick Cheney’s that man. History offered him a chance to shine, a chance for pride and maybe even happiness, and he threw it away – skillfully…
Mickey @ 4:28 PM


Posted on Friday 29 June 2007

I got an email joke today from a former colleague who is one of those people who forwards jokes daily. 

President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, has announced that Mexico will not participate in the next Summer Olympics. He said that, "Anyone who can run, jump, or swim has already left the country."
Most are in this category – racist jokes, or jokes mocking Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama – mostly Hillary. Back in the heyday of the Bush/Cheney era, they were rampant. The Kerry jokes were unmerciful during the 2004 campaign, usually modelled on the talking points du jour – flip-flopping, Fonda, Swift-Boating, etc. I’ve never filtered them, because I’ve wanted to know what they were saying.

I got interested in them during the 2004 campaign. On the morning after the Democratic Nomination, I was having breakfast with a group of people. John Kerry’s Purple Hearts came up. One guy said, "You know about that, don’t you? They gave those things out like candy. Everbody got one. And nobody used Purple Hearts to get their tour shortened like he did." Later in the day, I overheard someone else say exactly the same thing. That night, the same idea showed up in an email from the "jokester." After that, I began to notice that this kind of comment was "on the streets" daily – a dismissive or even contemptuous explanation for any point Kerry, or for that matter, any Democrat made. I wondered how the information was disseminated so quickly. I learned about Talking Points and Talk Radio. I suspected that the email jokes had a similar point of origin – some organized source that got them circulating in a coordinated way [though I felt kind of paranoid for thinking that].

But I’m thinking it again. I never got racist email jokes about immigrants from this crowd before. Now I get them frequently. Maybe such people spontaneously come up with such things on their own. Freud said that all humor is hostile – and he was right about that. But it sure feels like this is an avenue for Talking Point distribution like Talk Radio or Fox News or the right wing blogs. Those of us on the Left sure use the blogs for a similar purpose – getting the word out.

In fact, I worry about the hostility. When I read what I’ve written in the last several days, I can see that I’m getting pretty angry myself. It’s certainly not unconscious. The Washington Post series, The Rolling Stone article, Cheney’s non-position in the Executive Branch, their stonewalling – it’s infuriating. And Contempt breeds counter-Contempt. It’s almost impossible not to feel it. I was awed at Elizabeth Edward’s ability to stay calm with Ann Coulter screeching in the background. When Coulter defended her mockery of the Edwards’ loss of their son by saying "I said that years ago," I almost went through the computer screen.

But I think Elizabeth Edwards set a good example for us all. She didn’t take any of Coulter’s bait. She didn’t defend herself or her husband. She didn’t attack Coulter. She just stayed on her point. I doubt that I’ll be getting any Elizabeth Edwards jokes in the email. Some of the better bloggers are also good examples as well. Digby, emptywheel, Josh Marshall – all can be very funny, sharp tongued, even sarcastic – but they’re not contemptuous.

Note to self: Watch out for contempt. All it means is that they’re getting to you.
Note to self: Delete that email to the jokester that’s sitting down there minimized.
Note to self: Don’t put that email filter in place. It’s better to know what’s being said than to have an attack of righteous indignation.
Mickey @ 1:54 AM

to be, or not to be…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

The vice president has run utterly amok and must be stopped
By Bruce Fein

Under Dick Cheney, the office of the vice president has been transformed from a tiny acorn into an unprecedented giant oak. In grasping and exercising presidential powers, Cheney has dulled political accountability and concocted theories for evading the law and Constitution that would have embarrassed King George III. The most recent invention we know of is the vice president’s insistence that an executive order governing the handling of classified information in the executive branch does not reach his office because he also serves as president of the Senate. In other words, the vice president is a unique legislative-executive creature standing above and beyond the Constitution. The House judiciary committee should commence an impeachment inquiry. As Alexander Hamilton advised in the Federalist Papers, an impeachable offense is a political crime against the nation. Cheney’s multiple crimes against the Constitution clearly qualify.

The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.
As the noise level rises, one must pause for a moment and consider if impeaching Vice President Cheney is mob rule or a wise move for the country. On the mob rule side of the coin would be that it’s a time when we are massively disillusioned with a failed foreign war that our leaders continue against all counsel and public opinion. On the other side are three large groups of issues. First, what we know publicly – well documented in the Washington Post series and the recent article in Rolling Stone. Add to that the conviction of his Chief of Staff. Add to that his role in the abandonment of the Geneva Conventions. Second, what we don’t know, but suspect. The falsified Iraq prewar intelligence, the outing of a C.I.A. Agent, the "deal" with the Oil Executives, etc. Third, a chronic disregard for the laws of the land and the duly elected Congress of the United States.

For what it’s worth, I think the main reason to impeach him them is something else – he is they are incompetent. We are in a crisis right now, and they’re still farting around with their idiosyncratic agendas, and doing nothing to further the real needs of the country. They’re lost in a sea of self-serving and largely immaterial issues, spending most of their time trying to cover their asses for previous sins, and doing absolutely nothing to get us on course. So, impeach him them on the grounds of misguidedness or incompetence [or corruptness, or lying, or sedition]. The grounds don’t really matter. They just need to go to their respective ranches.

And anyway, I’m not kidding anyone. If it’s mob rule – that’s fine with me too. Power to the mob! In this case, mob rule probably is good for the country. As our famous first Republican once said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Mickey @ 10:58 PM

homeland security…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

The Bush administration has asserted, in recent days, that it has properly safeguarded confidential information since taking office. However, information collected by Congressional investigators contradicts the White House claim.

On Friday June 22, White House Spokesperson Dana Perino said that "[t]he president and the vice president are complying with all the rules and regulations regarding the handling of classified material and making sure that it is safeguarded and protected."

Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House of Representatives’ main investigative body, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has been compiling evidence regarding the mismanagement of classified documents by the Bush administration. Waxman has taken sworn testimony from whistle-blowers from within the White House security agencies. The statements of these whistle-blowers "casts doubt on [White House] assertions," Waxman said in a letter to White House Counsel Fred Fielding on Tuesday.

According to White House whistle-blowers, "White House practices have been dangerously inadequate with respect to investigating security violations, taking corrective action following breaches and physically securing classified information," Waxman said in his letter.

Two independent security agencies are tasked with monitoring the White House compliance with rules regarding the control of classified documents and information. They are the White House Security Office (WHSO) which is a part of the Executive Branch, and the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), a division of the National Archives and Records Administration. Both security agencies appear to have been stymied by the Bush administration.
Whistle-blowers pointed to mismanagement of the WHSO in their statements to Congressional investigators. Former Director James Knodell and Deputy Director Ken Greeson "routinely violated basic security guidelines," by bringing "their Blackberry devices and cell phones into the sensitive compartmented information facility," a high security storage room for secret information. According to the former security officers, Knodell and Greeson also allowed visiting White House personnel to break this rule. The security officers who informed Waxman’s committee of these violations also blamed Knodell and Greeson for causing "extreme frustration and plummeting morale" in the White House Security Office, which lead to the "departure of more than half of the White House security officers within the last year."

The Directors of WHSO also prevented investigations into breaches of security in the White House, according to the whistle-blowers. They told Waxman’s committee that "the practice within the White House Security Office was not to document or investigate violations occurring in the West Wing or to take corrective action." According to Waxman, this policy "appears to be a direct violation" of the executive order regarding the handling of classified information.

One security breach that was never investigated was the leak of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert status. According to Waxman, in an Oversight Committee hearing in March, Knodell "confirmed that although his office was required to investigate whether classified information had been leaked inappropriately, no investigation of the leak of Ms. Wilson’s identity occurred."

Lawyers for the office of the vice president has made the claim that Vice President Dick Cheney is not a part of the executive branch and thus not subject to inspections and oversight by ISOO. But Cheney’s office filed annual security reports with ISOO regarding the classification and declassification of information in 2001 and 2002. Subsequent reports have not been filed. The leak of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson’s identity appears to have originated in the vice president’s office in 2003, the same year he unilaterally declared his office exempt from outside oversight.
Defund the Office of the Vice President? Good idea. How about lifting the White House Occupant’s Security Clearances? I can’t see how them having access to Classified Information has helped us much. Best I can understand, this story is about the inability of both of these bozos to understand their job descriptions. And as for the Vice President’s declared immunity. Why are we running around looking up what Branch of the government he belongs to? We can agree that, for the moment at least, he’s still part of our government – so he needs to follow our laws. Enough pandering to his highness. He was elected to serve the people of the United States and to uphold our Laws and our Constitution. If he’s not up to the task, send him and his prom queen back to the ranch.

The Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) is responsible to the President for policy and oversight of the Government-wide security classification system and the National Industrial Security Program. We receive our authority from Executive Orders 12958 "Classified National Security Information" and 12829 "National Industrial Security Program"  as amended.

We are a component of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and receive our policy and program guidance from the National Security Council (NSC).
Mickey @ 9:23 PM

we don’t need another Iraq Study Group…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

President Bush is sending his top aide on national security affairs to Capitol Hill on Thursday to confront what has become a tough crowd on the Iraq war.

A majority of senators believe troops should start coming home within the next few months. A new House investigation concluded this week that the Iraqis have little control over an ailing security force. And House Republicans are calling to revive the independent Iraq Study Group to give the nation options.

While the White House thought they had until September to deal with political fallout on the unpopular war, officials may have forgotten another critical date: the upcoming 2008 elections.
Other GOP senators have aligned themselves with a similar position, including Sen. George Voinovich. On Tuesday, the Ohio Republican sent Bush a letter calling for "responsible military disengagement" from Iraq.

Republican Sens. Norm Coleman< of Minnesota and John Sununu of New Hampshire also say they want to see troops departing Iraq by early 2008. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Wednesday she is working with Sens. John Warner, R-Va., and Ben Nelson, D-Neb., on a new bipartisan policy for Iraq.

In another challenge to Bush’s Iraq policy, House Republicans urged the White House on Wednesday to revive the Iraq Study Group. A blue-ribbon panel chaired by Republican James Baker and Democrat Lee Hamilton, the group concluded last December that U.S. troops could leave by March 2008 if certain steps were taken.

Last week, the House voted 355-69 to appropriate a $1 million budget for another study, though the bill is unlikely to become law for a few weeks. Reps. Chris Shays, R-Conn., and Frank Wolf, R-Va., said they hope the administration will move ahead on its own to reconvene the group.
… we already had one. We need a White House Study Group! Or maybe even a Congress Study Group. What in the hell are they afraid of – falling into disfavor with President Bush or Vice President Cheney? Even the people who voted for them aren’t afraid of that. I’l bet even Bush and Cheney would feel relieved to have it taken out of their hands, screeching all the way…
Mickey @ 9:04 PM

coming soon to a prison near you…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

Mickey @ 6:37 PM

legal rationalizations…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

I’m still obsessing about Paul Clement’s opinion on whether Bush can assert executive privilege over documents relating to the US Attorney purge. Here’s a little tidbit I find interesting.

Clement is discussing the third chunk of things Congress requested.

The final category of documents and testimony concerns communications between the Department of Justice and the White House concerning proposals to dismiss and replace U.S. Attorneys and possible responses to congressional and media inquiries about the U.S. Attorney resignations. These communications are deliberative and clearly fall within the scope of executive privilege.4
And here’s what that footnote says:

4 To the extent they exist, White House communications approving the Department’s actions by or on behalf of the President would receive particularly strong protection under executive privilege.
Does that make anyone think of the 18-day gap?
As usual, emptywheel is way ahead of the rest of us. She’s figuring out what they’re hiding. I read that thing by Clement and I was thinking, "What in the hell is he talking about?" But now that she mentions it, that 18 days was also the period during which they had figured out [by watching their t.v.’s and using the Google on the Internets] that they’d lost the mid-term elections. My guess would be that they were running scared. The U.S. Attorney Plan was their hope for 2008, yet the loss of the Congressional Majority made them vulnerable to exactly what is happening right now – Investigations. These "deliberations" were a time when they made a terrible [and hopefully fatal] call. As for what Clement is talking about, my aversion to legalese has me out of the running for interpretation. They’re not turning stuff over because they don’t want to, because it’s going to get them in some very hot water…
Mickey @ 5:54 PM