my new favorite congress guy…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

Mickey @ 5:01 PM


Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

1. Immigration Bill: Bush is pushing an Immigration Bill that’s somewhat uncharacteristic for him. It doesn’t suit the racist/elitist wing of the Republican Party. It does, however, seem to be something Bush cares about. TPM posted this video clip of Bush talking about it, commenting on his “Sad Sack” look [I think he looks clinically depressed]:

2. Washington Post article on Cheney: We all just read about how Cheney manages Bush. And we read examples of Cheney’s undercutting people behind their backs – notably “friend” Alan Greenspan.

2. Ergo: You reckon old racist/elitist Dick Cheney is undercutting Bush’s attempt to do something on his own? something he thinks is decent?

Mickey @ 4:35 PM

in the final days …

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007



… the she devil began to unravel under pressure. The venom she’d formerly been able to eject in words hurled at others began to tear at what soul remained – rendering her a helpless, screeching harpie …

Mickey @ 1:02 PM

heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to court we go…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

The White House said today it would not comply with congressional subpoenas for documents and testimony relating to the firings of federal prosecutors last year, setting up a potential constitutional confrontation over its claim of executive privilege.

In a letter to the chairmen of the House and Senate judiciary committees, President Bush’s counsel, Fred F. Fielding, said the White House would not turn over documents that were subpoenaed by the two committees on June 13. The deadline for handing over most of them was today.

"I write at the direction of the President to advise and inform you that the President has decided to assert executive privilege and therefore the White House will not be making any production in response to these subpoenas for documents," Fielding wrote in the letter to Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

"With respect, it is with much regret that we are forced down this unfortunate path which we sought to avoid by finding grounds for mutual accommodation," Fielding said. "We had hoped this matter could conclude with your committees receiving information in lieu of having to invoke executive privilege. Instead, we are at this conclusion."

While expected, it’s still the height of arrogance. I expect Leahy, Conyers, and Waxman anticipated this response and have some course of action planned, but it still stands as a contemptuous grandiose act – in effect, an admission of guilt. Let us hope it awakens not Snow White, not Sleeping Beauty, but a Sleeping Giant of Patriotism that sweeps over Washington D. C. like a plague of locusts.

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore...

Update: Leahy responds [Hat tip to Smoooochie]:

This is not an issue of whether they are willing to provide answers on these oversight issues, but whether they can dictate terms to another branch of government.  They want to short circuit the checks and balances that ensure real oversight and true accountability.

I will look at the President’s broad claim of executive privilege.  Since we have heard so much testimony that the President did not personally make these decisions on the firings and was not personally involved, it is difficult to imagine that there is much basis to these claims.  They cannot have it both ways.

I am disappointed that we had to resort to issuing subpoenas in order to obtain information needed by the Committees to learn the truth about these firings and the erosion of independence at the Justice Department.  I am even more disappointed now by this Nixonian stonewalling.  We will take the necessary steps to enforce our subpoenas backed by the full force of law so that Congress and the public can get to the truth behind this matter.

The President’s response to our subpoena shows an appalling disregard for the right of the people to know what is going on in their government. The executive privilege assertion is unprecedented in its breadth and scope, and even includes documents that the Adminstration previously offered to provide as part of their ‘take it or leave it’ proposal. This response indicates the reckless disrepect this Administration has for the rule of law. The charges alleged in this investigation are serious – including obstruction of justice and misleading Congress – and the White House should be as committed to this investigation as the Congress. At this point, I see only one choice in moving forward, and that is to enforce the rule of law set forth in these subpoenas.

Mickey @ 11:38 AM

tea time…

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2007

After a week of the Washington Post‘s series about Vice President Cheney, I guess I thought we’d about hit the bottom of a story. Then I read The Secret Campaign of President Bush’s Administration To Deny Global Warming in Rolling Stone Magazine. For the last several years, I’ve followed the news, combing it for evidence of what I suspected – that this Administration was different from any other in my lifetime. That’s just the way it felt to me. I found the blogs and was heartened to discover a lot of other people who were doing the same thing – people who felt it too. One of the complaints was that the stories that confirmed these suspicions rarely made it to the "fourth establishment" – the Main Stream Media – and when they did, they didn’t stay there very long.

I guess I’m a Liberal. What that means formally is that I don’t believe in absolute truth. There’s no "right" way to do things, no bottom line principle that can’t be revised. In an argument, I might state my opinion as forcefully as any other person, but internally, I don’t believe that opinion is "true." It’s just what I think. So when I write these blog posts, they’re written as if I’m fighting for a belief. More accurately, I’m arguing with the absolutism of the argument someone else is making. I can’t help it. I’m just a self doubter, a Skeptic. The founder of Scepticism, Pyrrho of Elis (c. 360-275 B.C.), was Alexander the Great’s court philosopher. It’s interesting that most of what is known about him isn’t true – it’s the jokes contemporaries made about him. They were called Dogmatists. Back then that wasn’t a bad thing – it meant "truth-seeker." Pyrrho was a truthseeker too, he just didn’t think it could ever be found. He believed in "relative truth." That’s what I think too. So when I read or write about Cheney and Rove, about this Administration, there’s always doubt. Am I just a "reflex Liberal" like they would say if they knew me? It’s a funny thought, because they talk about Liberals as if we believed something particular. That’s not really true. I [we] don’t "believe" in "believing in."

But when I read the Washington Post series, or the even more disturbing Rolling Stone article, I think we’re close enough to the truth to act. A famous Liberal, Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote a tract, The Social Contract. It was an influence in the framing of our Constitution.
-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…
In The Social Contract he said that governments exist in a contract with the governed. When the government breaks its contract with the people, it is no longer a valid government and should be replaced. We’re close enough to the truth of our current government to know that their contract with us has been severed.

And why am I thinking revolution this morning? I just read  The Secret Campaign of President Bush’s Administration To Deny Global Warming in Rolling Stone Magazine. Read it, and then let’s all get dressed up like Indians an go brew some tea into the Boston Harbor.


Mickey @ 7:29 AM

paradigm exhaustion…

Posted on Wednesday 27 June 2007

As states begin to require that drug companies disclose their payments to doctors for lectures and other services, a pattern has emerged: psychiatrists earn more money from drug makers than doctors in any other specialty.

How this money may be influencing psychiatrists and other doctors has become one of the most contentious issues in health care. For instance, the more psychiatrists have earned from drug makers, the more they have prescribed a new class of powerful medicines known as atypical antipsychotics to children, for whom the drugs are especially risky and mostly unapproved.

Vermont officials disclosed Tuesday that drug company payments to psychiatrists in the state more than doubled last year, to an average of $45,692 each from $20,835 in 2005. Antipsychotic medicines are among the largest expenses for the state’s Medicaid program.

Over all last year, drug makers spent $2.25 million on marketing payments, fees and travel expenses to Vermont doctors, hospitals and universities, a 2.3 percent increase over the prior year, the state said.

The number most likely represents a small fraction of drug makers’ total marketing expenditures to doctors since it does not include the costs of free drug samples or the salaries of sales representatives and their staff members. According to their income statements, drug makers generally spend twice as much to market drugs as they do to research them.
When I was young, I noticed that old people were always talking about how it used to be better – the "good old days." I could see that there was something wrong with that thinking. I could look back and see things like the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, the Thermonuclear Destruction of the Cold War. In my own childhood world, there was the blight of Segregation – a holdover from some mythical past. I guess I thought that the old people were actually lamenting their lost youth, their supple muscles, their forward-looking world view, "their" own time – and I decided I wouldn’t be like that. I’d accept my aging more gracefully – as part of the life cycle. And I’ve tried to do that, more or less. Viet Nam was worse than the Iraq War. It really was – 58,000 dead instead 0f 4,000. Nixon was at least as bad as Bush – he just hadn’t refined his dirty tricks.

But this particular story is something I lived through. I don’t know if things were better in "the good old days," but I do know that they’re not better now. I guess it’s like Hippocrates learned a long time ago. What we call Medicine emerged from the many groups trying to improve the lot of afflicted people for two reasons. The first was obviously "science" – in Medicine, a treatment becomes accepted because it has been proved effective. Science isn’t about theories. Non-scientists have plenty of those too. Science is ultimately about results. A lot of people who have acute right lower abdominal pain, tenderness and fever don’t die if you take out their inflammed appendix.  There are other causes for those symptoms, so there’s some more science involved – learning how to be relatively sure that any given patient is the one to be operated on. There’s a "cure" for appendicitis, but you’ll lose your operating room privileges if you take out too many normal appendices. Either you don’t know what you’re doing, or you’re lazy, or you’re greedy. No room in an operating suite for those kinds of people. So, besides "science," Hippocrates added something, an oath – "Do no harm."

What he was getting at is simple. He wasn’t just talking about charlatanism. He was talking about another monster – therapeutic zeal. When you’ve got a suffering person sitting in front of you, you want to do something. And in doing something, you can push the limits of solid science and hurt people. Give someone Penicillin for a viral infection [antibiotics don’t kill viruses], and they die from a penicillin allergy. Keep someone with arthritis on cortisone to make them feel better and their bones start breaking. The examples are as varied as ripples in a stream. And then there’s economics. Medicine is a profession. Money’s involved. You don’t make a living by having nothing to offer, by doing nothing. "That doctor didn’t do anything for me!" is a frequent complaint – but, in the words of Martha Stewart, often, "That’s a good thing." Sick people want three things: to be taken seriously; to be told that it’s not serious; and for their symptoms to go away. Medicine, itself, has other goals. Treat what can legitimately be treated. Relieve suffering if possible. Don’t contribute to suffering – by either therapeutic zeal, indifference, or personal financial motives. All of these things come under the umbrella of "Do no harm."

Medicine struggles with its advances. And Psychiatry is at the forefront of that struggle. The "illnesses" are elusive. There are no objective tests available to make diagnoses. It is, at best, a "soft science." Treatment results, likewise, are not always easy to measure. And there’s a greater interface with society as a whole – is a person "mad" or "bad?" It’s flaky at every turn. I loved it, myself. I came to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis from a "hard science" background – medical research, Internal Medicine, mathematics. The reasons for the change aren’t relevant here, but the ambiguities of mental illness were fascinating to me – I never had a boring moment in my thirty years among the mentally ill. Every case was a challenge. Every unanswerable question was a great mystery. I think that one of the reasons for that was that my earlier career had cured me of a naive belief in "absolute truth." All truth is relative. The goal is to get as close to that truth as possible, always being aware that it will never be achieved. I’ve since learned that this attitude was called "Skepticism" [as opposed to "Dogmatism"] is ancient Greece and that it is the formal definition of "Liberalism." Today’s truth is tomorrow’s open question. What could be more exciting?

And I learned about scientific paradigms. Some new scientific idea bursts on the scene, and many old questions suddenly get answered. There’s a period of great excitement, and increasing new applications of the new idea are discovered on an almost daily basis. Then the exceptions begin to appear, and the negative consequences appear. People keep pushing forward with hope, but finally the new idea’s limits become clear and it finds it’s more limited place in the terapeutic armamentarium – appendectomies only for documented appendicitis. This is known as paradigm exhaustion. There’s a better term, actually – paradigm competition. The new idea doesn’t go away. It finds its place in the world of ideas – only to be used when it’s the right thing to use. In Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, paradigms come and go with great regularity, and are very hard to evaluate because the "science" is so "soft," the outcomes are so hard to measure, and the suffering so great. The examples could go on forever. Bromides relieved anxiety, but caused "bromism." The march of "tranqillizers" are fine in the short term, but cause addiction in the long haul. Electroconvulsive therapy is a miracle for certain forms of Depression, but was massively overused in the middle of the last century. Even the hated psychosurgey helped certain intractably tortured patients, but was a horror for many others. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy was a great leap forward, but was so over-utilized that it’s no longer paid for by medical insurors. Now, it’s in the world of psychotropic medication that a useful paradigm is in the realm of uncknowledged exhaustion.

"Real" medications began to appear in the 1950’s and 1960’s. They have been revolutionary, to be sure. They include the Antipsychotics, Lithium, Stimulants, Antidepressants, the so-called "Mood Stabilizers," and a new broad family of Antianxiety medications. During my lifetime in Psychiatry, these have been remarkable advances – truly remarkable. And, by the way, they’ve virtually destroyed Psychiatry – not completely, but pretty close. Beginning in the 1980’s, Departments of Psychiatry were taken over by the Psychopharmacologists – and the Drug Company money flowed like the Amazon. Psychotherapy became the tool of other mental health specialties, and Psychiatry became "medicalized." That is fine, except that the potential for abuse was enormous. Insurance now pays for a few brief visits to a Psychiatrist – just enough to pick the right drugs for the symptoms. And departments of Psychiatry became drug research centers – financed by Drug Companies. The issues in this article are the tip of a Titanic stopping iceberg. What happened to Psychiatry is very similar to what’s happened in Washington. I think of it as "follow the money." And if you’re a person who needs psychotherapy, you’re probably out of luck. Treatment is determined by resources more that careful diagnosis and assessment of need. The careful, systematic exploration of the personal mystery of mental illness is still available, but it takes some work to find it – and it takes some sizable resources to afford it. For most, welcome to the world of "ask your doctor if drug du jour is right for you."

So, are things better or worse? The answer is "yes."

Mickey @ 2:29 PM

“What does the law say? Isn’t there some way around it?”

Posted on Tuesday 26 June 2007

In Oregon, a battleground state that the Bush-Cheney ticket had lost by less than half of 1 percent, drought-stricken farmers and ranchers were about to be cut off from the irrigation water that kept their cropland and pastures green. Federal biologists said the Endangered Species Act left the government no choice: The survival of two imperiled species of fish was at stake.

Law and science seemed to be on the side of the fish. Then the vice president stepped in.

First Cheney looked for a way around the law, aides said. Next he set in motion a process to challenge the science protecting the fish, according to a former Oregon congressman who lobbied for the farmers.
Because of Cheney’s intervention, the government reversed itself and let the water flow in time to save the 2002 growing season, declaring that there was no threat to the fish. What followed was the largest fish kill the West had ever seen, with tens of thousands of salmon rotting on the banks of the Klamath River.
The Leaving No Tracks method:
When the vice president got wind of a petition to list the cutthroat trout in Yellowstone National Park as a protected species, his office turned to one of his former congressional aides.

The aide, Paul Hoffman, landed his job as deputy assistant interior secretary for fish and wildlife after Cheney recommended him. In an interview, Hoffman said the vice president knew that listing the cutthroat trout would harm the recreational fishing industry in his home state of Wyoming and that he "followed the issue closely." In 2001 and again in 2006, Hoffman’s agency declined to list the trout as threatened.

Hoffman also was well positioned to help his former boss with what Cheney aides said was one of the vice president’s pet peeves: the Clinton-era ban on snowmobiling in national parks. "He impressed upon us that so many people enjoyed snowmobiling in the Tetons," former Cheney aide Ron Christie said.

With Cheney’s encouragement, the administration lifted the ban in 2002, and Hoffman followed up in 2005 by writing a proposal to fundamentally change the way national parks are managed. That plan, which would have emphasized recreational use over conservation, attracted so much opposition from park managers and the public that the Interior Department withdrew it. Still, the Bush administration continues to press for expanded snowmobile access, despite numerous studies showing that the vehicles harm the Parks’ environment and polls showing majority support for the ban.

Hoffman, now in another job at the Interior Department, said Cheney never told him what to do on either issue — he didn’t have to.

"His genius," Hoffman said, is that "he builds networks and puts the right people in the right places, and then trusts them to make well-informed decisions that comport with his overall vision."
The result of his intervention:
Last summer, the federal government declared a "commercial fishery failure" on the West Coast after several years of poor chinook returns virtually shut down the industry, opening the way for Congress to approve more than $60 million in disaster aid to help fishermen recover their losses. That came on top of the $15 million that the government has paid Klamath farmers since 2002 not to farm, in order to reduce demand.

This may be the saddest of the four articles. It catalogues decision after decision where the thing being manipulated is science and concern for the planet. He destroyed the fishing industry, not to help the farmers. They’re now living off of government supplements. He did it to get their votes. Endangered species undeclared – it might hurt recreational fishing. Snowmobiles are lots of fun, but tear up the land – fun wins. There are more examples in the article, examples of changing the recommendations of environmental science to fit the needs of business; ignoring emmission standards and global warming; a steady erosion of a hard fought focus on the planet that supports us.

The articles make clear three things. Dick Cheney has an incredible ability to make things happen. Dick Cheney’s motives are to help special interests that further the goals of the constituency of the Republican Party.  Dick Cheney is a deeply immoral and contemptuous person. As the quote in this post’s title says, "What does the law say? Isn’t there some way around it?" is his standard operating procedure. He started off filling the ranks of government with people who were loyal to him, many beholding to him. So when something comes up, he calls in his chips. The absurd argument that the Vice President isn’t in the Executive Branch that we’re all laughing about isn’t so funny when you realize that it’s what he’s done full time for his tenure – found ways not to uphold our laws without incurring criminal charges. It’s little wonder that the person going off to jail is his former Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby. Abandoning the Geneva Conventions, torture, invading Iraq on false Intelligence in search of oil, chasing off principled government officials, raping our environment, treating science as fiction, retaliating against political enemies, exposing a C.I.A. Agent’s secret identity – he has consistently mobilized the political power of the Presidency to rule irresponsibly, not to govern as he was elected.

Who could have ever imagined that one twisted mind could cut such a devastating swath through the heart and soul of America? The "tracks" are everywhere…
Mickey @ 10:49 PM


Posted on Tuesday 26 June 2007

Mickey @ 6:56 PM

the straw man…

Posted on Tuesday 26 June 2007

Reacting to the Office of the Vice President’s assertion that it is not an “entity within the executive branch,” Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) will introduce an amendment this week to cut off funding to Cheney’s office. Last night on MSNBC, he was asked how much money is spent on Vice President Cheney for an executive office he claims he’s not apart of:

MATTHEWS: Do you know, Congressman, how much money — how much money is spent by the taxpayer to give this guy a huge operations staff, a huge policy staff? He’s got travel all over the world. Do you know how big a budget he has right now?

EMANUEL: He has a residence. He has an entire operation that supports him as vice president. And then he also has, as you said, the travel. I mean, it’s in the millions of dollars.

Now we have a number. Roll Call reports today that President Bush has requested $4.75 million in fiscal 2008 to fund the Vice President’s operations (parts of which are housed, notably, in the Executive Office Building.)

In related news, Emanuel’s proposal is gaining steam in the Senate. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), who chairs the subcommittee that funds the vice president’s budget, yesterday warned Cheney that “his office would risk losing its budget” unless the vice president agrees to follow the executive order. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) also said he would “seriously consider” legislation to defund Cheney’s office, calling it “one of the only resorts we have.”

UPDATE: The White House budget request is HERE.
It’s funny how things finally happen. Whoever coined the saying, "the straw that broke the Camel’s back," was a keen observer of human nature. Psychotherapists see it all the time. A Client who has been struggling to make a difficult marriage work for years will walk in and reccount some simple story of an interaction – the guy won’t get up to answer the door, the wife has a big cell phone bill, something trivial in the scope of the War of Roses that has gone on for years – and "That’s it!"

This Vice President isn’t in the Executive Branch argument is stacking up to be such an issue. It’s trivial in the scope of the Iraq War or the outrageous DoJ scandal, but it’s such a fine paradigm for the silly logic coming out of the White House that it may just be the proverbial straw. It’s certainly about time for such a showdown.

Throughout the tenure of this Administration, we’ve heard loophole after loophole threaded. They’re all similar – some as yet unknown reason being President or Vice President is like being God, or Emperor. What’s amazing about them is that they never really make sense. No-one ever intended for the Executive to be immune from oversight – in fact, from the founding of the country to the present, the opposite has always been true.

Cheney won’t back down. There’s a story in today’s Washington Post Series called ‘A Spine Quotient’ about Vermont Senator James M. Jeffords who threatened to bolt the GOP during negotiations over the president’s 2001 tax package. Cheney didn’t budge, even though they lost control of the Senate.

Most politicians "know when to hold them, and know when to fold them." That’s not Dick Cheney’s style. He never learned the lesson of Hegel’s Master-Slave conflict – the guy who stands in the middle of the field attempting to vanqish all comers will sooner or later meet his match and fall very hard. If he wants to duke it out over this absurd issue – Fine. It’s his line in the sand to draw. Let the jousting begin…

Reader JoyHollywood has an interesting analogy for Cheney – a cockroach, sneaking about in the dark cracks and crevices. Cutting off support for his office and staff may force him actually play that role directly. But for my own tastes, I’d prefer a more frontal approach. Crack and Crevice spray: Send the F.B.I. into his dark places, haul out all of those safes, and break out the blow torches.

Mickey @ 6:24 PM

oh look!

Posted on Tuesday 26 June 2007

Sen. George Voinovich said Tuesday the U.S. should begin pulling troops out of Iraq, joining Richard Lugar as the second Republican lawmaker in as many days to suggest President Bush’s war strategy is failing.

He said the Iraqi people must become more involved and "I don’t think they’ll get it until they know we’re leaving."

The Ohio senator’s remarks followed similar comments by Lugar, R-Ind., the previous night. The two GOP senators previously had expressed concerns about Bush’s decision to send 30,000 extra troops to Iraq in a massive U.S.-led security push in Baghdad and Anbar province. But they had stopped short of saying U.S. troops should leave and declined to back Democratic legislation setting a deadline for troop withdrawals.

"We must not abandon our mission, but we must begin a transition where the Iraqi government and its neighbors play a larger role in stabilizing Iraq," Voinovich wrote in a letter to Bush.

Lugar and Voinovich said they were still not ready to insist on a timetable for withdrawal. But they both made it clear their patience was gone.

Once Iraq’s neighbors "know we are genuinely leaving, I think all of a sudden the fear of God will descend upon them and say, ‘We’ve got to get involved in this thing,’" Voinovich told reporters.

"It can’t be something that is precipitous, but I do believe that it should be enough so that people know we are indeed disengaging," he added.

The loss of GOP support for the president’s strategy is significant. Democrats may still not be able to push through legislation demanding an end date to the war, but softer alternative proposals are in the works that could still challenge Bush.
Another Republican Senator read my last blog post and responded. I had no idea they’d be this quick!
Mickey @ 2:59 PM