spin again…

Posted on Thursday 16 February 2006

As we saw, if we’d put out a report Saturday night on what we heard then — one report came in that said, superficial injuries. If we’d gone with a statement at that point, we’d have been wrong. And it was also important, I thought, to get the story out as accurately as possible, and this is a complicated story that, frankly most reporters would never have dealt with before, so …

The motive in waiting on the story was to gather all the information and make sure the reports were accurate.

I thought that made good sense because you can get as accurate a story as possible from somebody who knew and understood hunting and then it would immediately go up to the wires and be posted on the Web site, which is the way it went out and I thought that was the right call…

Only someone who knew and understood hunting would be able to tell this story correctly.

They didn’t like the idea that we called The Corpus Christi Caller-Times instead of The New York Times. But it strikes me that The Corpus Christi Caller-Times is just as valid a news outlet as The New York Times is, especially for covering a major story in south Texas…

The outrage over the way the story was handled was because the big  city newspaper reporters were hurt they chose the home town paper, and don’t appreciate the little guys getting the story.

None of those explanations are remotely true. The story was not handled the way it was in the service of accuracy. There is nothing about what happened that required a hunter to understand. No-one suggested that The Corpus Christi-Caller is not a valid newspaper, nor did the outrage arise from big newspapers getting their feelings hurt. These are not true statements. They are quaisi-logical constructs to deflect any genuine examination of how Cheney dealt with the Media and the people of the country. From Cheney’s point of view, there are no valid questions as to how he dealt with anything. If it’s something he did, it was done right.

The big point, however, is that Dick Cheney’s, "I am responsible," sounds like George W. Bush’s, "I am responsible," for the war in Iraq – hollow. And if there was an "I’m sorry" in there, it was as dim as Bush’s "I’m sorry" to Cindy Sheehan. And his comment, "it was the worst day of my life" was about the wrong life – his, not Harry Whittington’s…

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