the point…

Posted on Wednesday 15 February 2006

As tempting as it is to join in the endless pointing out that the Vice President just shot a friend in the face with a shotgun, there’s an equally compelling drive to stick to the point. Which point?

The only real point is that the Bush Administration, without really telling us, is dead set on changing our basic form of government, without asking. What are our priorities?

  1. The Unitary Executive: This was only recently declared, but is probably underneath everything else. President Bush has simply assumed a level of power accorded to a dictator. At first it looked as if he was operating within our tri-partite system, and winning every round because his party controlled Congress. But lately, it’s become obvious that he is assuming powers that even transcend this legislative advantage.
  2. Pugalism: America has never been pugalistic in the world in the way we are now.
    • It is now our policy to engage in "preemptive" warfare.
    • It is our policy to torture prisoners of war.
    • It is our policy to eavesdrop on American Citizens without judicial overview.
    • It is now our policy to ignore the International Community eg the U.N.
  3. Secrecy: In the past, our policy has been to have an open government. Secrecy was reserved for matters of security and defense. Now, secrecy is our usual policy. Open-ness is the exception. It is considered "whistle blowing" to let the people know what goes on in government. The result has been rather remarkable levels of corruption and direct lawlessness.

None of these major changes in government were the result of a mandate from the people. They are part of an idiosyncratic ideology of a surprisingly small minority who found a way to engender support from an unknowing and gullible majority.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

Capital Hill Blue
Doug Thompson

Scandal chasing is, in fact, a diversion. Who cares if a bunch of rich Republicans want to get together and shoot each other after beer and bar-b-que on a game preserve? It’s the Treason at the core of their assault on our government that’s the point…

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