the morning after…

Posted on Thursday 25 September 2008

Well, though I am kind of a night owl, I don’t watch Late Night T.V. But last night, after a day when McCain had suspended his campaign to rush back to Washington, I heard Olbermann was filling in for McCain [who also canceled Letterman], and I decided to watch. I have never laughed so hard! After it was over, I raced to my computer and there it was., already on Youtube. I couldn’t stop watching it, particularly the part where Letterman finds out that McCain, rather than being on a plane to Washington, is in another studio at CBS talking to Katie Courik. Letterman said all the things the rest of us have been thinking. It was refreshing after reading about these events all day with no one coming out and directly saying how ridiculous all of this is.

By this time, I was wide awake, and I read emptywheel‘s blog about the Courik/Palin interviews, so I went to the CBS website, and there it was [now on Youtube]. It was absolutely remarkable! Even over and above my bias, Palin looked like a sixth grader trying to be a grownup [and she didn’t bring it off.] It wasn’t as funny as Letterman because there was the nagging realization that this woman has been put in a position of potentially running our country. The worst part was Palin’s assertion that McCain was in favor of "regulation" [that’s simply not true], and Courik pressed the point, asking for examples. Palin’s cutsie response was beyond absurd. Katie Courik isn’t my favorite, but she did herself proud in this interview – asking the right questions without falling out of her chair at the answers.


Commenter joyhollywood writes, " I can’t imagine watching McCain or Palin for 4 years after 8 years with W." which is kind of what I’ve been thinking. The 50%-ish of Americans that support him either see something I really can’t see, or they are voting against Obama as a person or a black man or a Democrat. It’s hard to imagine that they are voting for the McCain & Palin Roadshow. It’s equally hard for me to believe McCain is coming up with this stuff all by himself. I attribute it to Schmidt or Davis or Rove, though last night Olberman implied that nothing happens in that campaign without McCain’s approval. This has been a campaign to end all campaigns. America – you got to love her style

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