a circus of an evening…

Posted on Thursday 25 September 2008

Did McCain Blow Off Letterman to Pre-Empt Sarah and Katie?

Help me with the timing on this.justify

Sometime–either earlier today or earlier this week–Sarah Palin sat down and taped an interview with Katie Couric. The first part of that interview airs this evening.

Then instead of showing up for a scheduled interview with David Letterman, and at a time when he said he had to run back to DC for emergency work to save the American economy, McCain did an interview with Katie Couric. In other words, after the McPalin campaign assessed how the Palin-Couric interview went, they put together a last minute interview between McCain and Couric.

As of this moment, CBS News has, as its lead story, McCain’s debate cancellation stunt. Not Sarah Palin’s second interview with a straight reporter. McCain has effectively pre-empted the interview with his running-mate.

I get the feeling that Palin-Couric interview went even worse than the Charlie Gibson one.

And perhaps not coincidentally, McCain is now trying to postpone the VP debate.

Palin/Courik I

Palin/Courik II

It’s worth watching these two interview segments with Sarah Palin. It’s remarkable that she was actually chosen. I wonder what were they thinking? And all this jockeying around? This has turned into one hell of a circus. I think this video below is the Courik Interview that McCain was doing instead of appearing on Letterman:

    September 25, 2008 | 7:12 AM

    Watching these 3 segments was a sacrifice as far as I was concerned as a former postulant from the convent. I can’t imagine watching McCain or Palin for 4 years after 8 years with W. And what was with McCain’s winking at Couric as he answered some of the questions where he thought he had gotten the perfect answers for her hard questions. I would have been a lot more satisfied had Couric asked McCain what he had learned from his experience as a member of the Keating 5 during the last Banking scandal in the late 80s. I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but I also wish Couric had asked him why he had voted with Bush 0ver 90% of the time and isn’t it fair to say you were with Bush more than you were against him, and you deserve to have Bush’s record as part of your own when being judged. Sorry I must have been dreaming when I wrote the last 2 points commenting about his interview with Couric.

    September 25, 2008 | 10:31 AM

    omg…that hurt to watch!! How many different ways could Palin restate the canned responses that she’s obviously been “trained” to say? ugh!

    And if he wants action then what the hell is he doing meeting w/ Katie Couric 12+ hours AFTER Obama asked him to work on a joint statement? And record of where he has differences w/ Bush?!! Is he even kidding? He’s got 10% to stand on then. That’s a pretty lousy percentage to put your faith in. OUCH!! OUCH!!

    Thanks for posting these three segments, Mickey, even if they were painful.

    September 25, 2008 | 12:13 PM

    Thank you for posting these. It was a good to see them all in one place. As usual, your posts are dead on.

    September 25, 2008 | 3:10 PM

    […] seen Sarah Palin’s interview with Katie Courik, I can see why they’ve had an iron curtain around her as far as the Press […]

    September 26, 2008 | 2:45 PM

    I spent so much time watching videos on the Mickey channel that I had to rush off without commenting on the very end of Senator McCain’s interview which I felt said it all viz. his running mate. When Katie Couric was pressing him on Gov. Palin’s foreign policy credentials he began to chuckle and he kept up the yuks through a couple of questions and ended with a mischievous lttle wink of his left eye. All this, as if to say, “look, Katie, you know this is a farce, I know its a farce but by God its a good farce as far as my campaign is concerned and we are going to keep it up and we are quite confident that the American people don’t give a tinkers damn for qualifications or competence or any of that elitist, liberal bunkum you’re always spewing about and that is why I feel quite comfortable blowing off your questions and don’t think that I’m ever going to let you push my girl around again you uppity Manhattan caterwauler.”

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